Yogyakarta, June 11th 2021━In an effort to support innovation and creation in the field of research, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of UGM held a 3 Minute Thesis The Art of Showcasing Ideas Competition. This competition is specifically for Fisipol UGM students and is divided into two categories: undergraduate and postgraduate. On this occasion, the event was held online at 02.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. and was attended by 10 finalists who were divided into two categories. In addition to the participants, this competition was also attended by 5 judges from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, and attended by spectators who also enlivened the event.
This afternoon’s event was opened with a speech delivered by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi. In his speech, he said that the 3 Minute Thesis The Art of Showcasing Ideas Competition was the first event held at UGM. This competition is held in order to train the competence of researchers in packaging and conveying research results effectively.
Entering the main event, each participant is invited to convey the results of their research with an estimated time of three minutes. The competition was quite interesting, every idea was also conveyed very clearly and creatively from the participants. Starting from the undergraduate category, there were 2 finalists from the Department of Politics and Government, 2 finalists from the Department of International Relations, and 1 finalist from the Department of Sociology. Meanwhile, from the postgraduate category, there were two finalists each from the Department of Politics and Government and the Department of International Relations, and 1 finalist from the Department of Communication Science.
After all participants delivered their presentations, the event entered the judging and voting session from the public to determine the winner of the People’s Choice’s Award. From this competition, four winners were obtained, namely the winner of the People’s Choice Award for the undergraduate and postgraduate categories, and the winner of the 3 Minute Thesis Competition The Art of Showcasing Ideas. As a result, it was decided that the winner of the People’s Choice Award in the undergraduate category was won by Anggita Veronica Martin from the Department of International Relations. Meanwhile, from the postgraduate category, the winner of the People’s Choice’s Award as well as the winner of the Fisipol 3 Minute Thesis competition was won by Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi from the Department of International Relations. For the undergraduate category, the winner of the 3 Minute Thesis Competition was won by Wiken Ramadhani from the Department of Politics and Government.