Yogyakarta, 12th of December 2024—The Digital Transformation era has pushed many sectors, such as the government, private and public sectors alike, to utilize data as optimally as possible. Data that can be utilized well can be an important asset in underpinning decision-making, driving innovation, and realizing an efficient public sector. Participating in this discussion regarding the trends of digital transformation is none other than Fisipol UGM Center for Digital Society. On Thursday (12/12), Fisipol UGM CfDS organized the DigiTalk #62 Discussion Session titled “Looking for Potential of Collaboration from Data Utilization”.
Organized at the Fisipol UGM Auditorium, the latest session of DigiTalk discussed about the potentials of data utilization in order to enrich knowledge and support various sectors of industries, by presenting Suwandi Ahmad, Chief Data Officer from LokaDataID, as a source person, and Syaifa Tania, Executive Secretary CfDS, as the moderator.
In his explanation, Suwandi Ahmad introduced the concept of Data Symphony. The data that we currently have needs to be given meaning so that we can use it to understand the current existing reality. For example, scientists researching on social media and politics can give meaning to the data that they have received, like in examining the youth sentiment on tax utilization in Helsinki. Suwandi emphasized that, “Data cannot be useful if they are not given meaning, there needs to be an ecosystem which surrounds said data. It cannot be just about numbers, data, sets and machine learning”. According to Suwandi, Indonesia has high potential to be one of the best data laboratorium for studying.
Suwandi also highlighted the concept of data processing using the knowledge cycle methodology. In the beginning, the raw data gathered will be combined in order to create information. After this, the information received can be combined with other information in order to produce knowledge. Said knowledge then can be utilized to underlie decision making processes. “Rather than using data like a metaphorical oil, it can be analogized as a new currency,” Suwandi explained.
Moving forward a variety of trends regarding current and future digital data utilization, Suwandi showed to the audience how Lokadata can compile various data, even to the lowest possible unit, like compiling the entire neighbourhood units in Indonesia. However, it cannot be denied that data collecting does need sufficient manpower and funds. Lokadata uses aggregation data and not private data for processing, which generally come in the form of codes in the processing effort. Lokadata tends to search data regarding lifestyle and consumer behavior in general. As an alternative to find loopholes in the regulations, Lokadata has chosen and driven other actors to face regulations as per the process.
Through the DigiTalk #62 session, CfDS and Lokadata have shown to us their aligning visions and missions in pushing the utilization of data to improve the quality of decision-making and cross-sector innovation. In the future, both parties are committed to improve further cooperation in facing the many challenges of the digital transformation era, while at the same time taking advantage of this era.