Dikom and BJM also created a collaboration on several university courses that students can take. Those courses are “Cinema in Southeast Asia” with Budi Irwanto from Dikom and Assist.Prof. Jakrawal Nilthamrong from BJM as the lecturer, as well as “Strategic Planning” by Syaifa Tania and Diah Angendari from Dikom with Sascha Horst Funk from BJM.
The MoU signing was done online and was attended by several lecturers and staff of Dikom, Fisipol UGM as well as those from Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Thammasat University.The signing ceremony was done by representatives from both parties, which are Wawan Mas’udi and Assoc.Prof. Kalyakorn Worakullattanee as the dean of Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Thammasat University.
“This cooperation will be valuable for students, where they can have the experience of collaborating with lecturers and peer groups on the international scale,” said Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti as the Vice Dean of Cooperation, Alumni, and Research who also attended the event.