Yogyakarta, 19 September 2019—to commemorate the founding of Fisipol in 1955, this year’s Dies Natalis of Fisipol UGM was held spectacularly. This event was held last Thursday at the West Hall of Fisipol.
“Social Innovation in the Digital Era: Towards an Inclusive and Just Society” was the grand theme of the 64th Dies Natalis of Fisipol. This theme was proposed by the Department of Sociology, the organizer of this year’s Dies Natalis. This theme was aimed to spread the spirit of inclusivity and equality before the law through social innovations in the digital era, especially in implementing the three obligations of a university (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi).
“We should be grateful for the establishment of Fisipol in the 19th of September, 64 years ago. Fisipol commits to develop the nation through its academicians that are currently spread all across Indonesia, research programmes and public service,” as stated by Erwan Agus Purwanto, the Dean of Fisipol. He hoped that Fisipol will always produce the necessary talents to face the digital era.
After Erwan’s opening speech, the main event was started with a tumpeng decoration competition. This yearly tradition was participated by various units in Fisipol. Uniquely, this year’s competition did not use rice for the tumpengs. YouSure, ASC and Polgov used pudding as the main ingredients of their tumpengs. Meanwhile, other units such as the cleaning service unit and GEO used thiwul. PKKK used sagu papeda and fishes from Papua as the ingredients. Because of this uniqueness, PKKK won this competition, with the Department of Communication Studies and the Academic Department winning the second and third places respectively.
At the end of this event, a Chinese lion dance attraction was held at the West Hall of Fisipol and instantly became the centre of attention of the audience. This lion dance attraction closed this year’s anniversary of Fisipol. Photos and videos of this event can be seen in Instagram at @fisipolugm and @sosiologifisipolugm, as well as at Fisipol’s website. Happy 64th anniversary, Fisipol UGM!