Yogyakarta, May 18th 2020—UGM’s Social and Political Science Faculty (Fisipol) held the third period of graduation for Bachelors on Monday, May 18th 2020. This is the second online graduation. The first one was conducted last April. This graduation is done through Zoom and can be joined by graduates, parents/guardians, the Dean and Vice-Dean of Fisipol, as well as the department coordinators in Fisipol.
In this third period, there were 62 graduates. There are 20 graduates from the International Relations department, 5 graduates from the Communication Science department, 13 graduates from Public Policy Management department, 11 graduates from Social Developlment and Welfare department, 10 graduates from Politics and Governance Department, and 3 Sociology graduates. The highest GPA belongs to Tantri Fricilla Ginting as a graduate from the Department of IR with a 3.89 GPA. There is also the fastest graduate from the PPM department. The graduate with 3 years, 5 months, and 19 days study term name is Latika Putri Barliani.
After reading aloud the list of graduates, there was a speech from Tantri Fricilla Ginting as a representation of the graduates and as the highest GPA earner. In this opportunity, Tantri thanked Fisipol’s academic scholars, parents, families, as well as her friends. Other than that, Tantri was also grateful to interact and learn with the Fisipol community for four years. For Tantri, she did not only get some knowledge from the classroom but also from discussions with friends in Sansiro for example. “Every corners of Fisipol taught me a lot of things,” Tantri explained.
Tantri also told the audience that the learning process in Fisipol does not only shape her into an academician but also as a human that humanize other people. Therefore, despite the uncertainty of the future, she whishes that her friends can meet their own callings without turning their backs on their own principals and identity. “I hope that we do not lose the ability to think critically, an ability that is shaped while we are a Fisipol student,” Tantri said.
Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, as Fisipol UGM’s Dean, also gave a speech. Prof. Erwan congratulate the graduates that have finished their study in Fisipol. Keeping in mind the condition of the pandemic, Prof.Erwan said that great people are born from tough conditions. Erwan appreciated the graduates for finishing their studies in a tough situation. “The graduates that graduate in this condition of crisis is hoped to grow to be a great person,” Prof Erwan said. Prof Erwan also hoped that graduates take this momentum to use their knowledge to serve other people. Right now, everyone is fighting to tackle the pandemic. Looking back, Prof Erwan said that humans always prevail against pandemics. “Therefore, we hope that graduates can be a contributor to the fight against Covid-19,” Erwan explained.