Yogyakarta, 20th March 2020 – Talking about technology, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) have brought many benefits in our lives today. This topic was discussed by Center for Digital Society (CfDS) in the 20th Digital Future Discussion (Difussion) with the theme “Artificial Intelligence for Good” which was held online on last Friday through YouTube Live that presented two speakers.
Vidiskiu Fortino, the research associate of CfDS, explained how AI is used to detect mental health disorders through facial recognition. “Basically, AI is a tool that can predict something through advanced technology to store information,” Vidi said.
Vidi’s research was based on the data from WHO that there were 10 million depression cases and eight millions anxiety cases. In Indonesia, there were 1.7 million people that have mental health disorder. Through the fusion of psychology and computer science, the use of Lime Explorer Machine Learning can explain that Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method can be used to imitate the eyes’ works, colors, even the human eyes position. It can be done by collecting personal data and gathering the data to become the collective data.
Then, Mardhani Riasetiawan, as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Widya Analytics and one of the founders of the ‘Covid-19 Response’ platform, explained about how the use of AI to map the Covid-19 cases and what steps that government can take in addressing this case.
“AI arranges the components like internet of things (IoT), big data, machine learning, deep learning, and other components to do the advanced level data analysis that can give the recommendations that are close to the pattern or expert mechanism. So, when we use AI, we could get the best option that can be produced to formulate a decision,” Mardhani said. The reason why Mardani established the Covid-19 Response platform was not without reason. Mardhani and his team wants to do something that could help the people and stakeholders to be more rational and make a right decision.
“Data always has good things to be read to become more rational. Currently, datas are milling around but cannot capture this current situation, therefore ‘Covid-19 Response’ exists to make analytics that makes people easier to see this current situation. So, big data is used to gather all of the surface data, from the government data, Ministry of Health, media, and many more honestly and neutrally,” Mardhani said.
That platform is also used in Myanmar to mitigate Covid-19. In Indonesia, there are 200 volunteers in every provinces to collect the data, data verification so that data labelling becomes massive. Covid-19 Response platform is open for volunteers who want to join through the page’s access on http://covid19.gamabox.id.