Yogyakarta, April 8th 2020—Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Social and Political Science gave several goods to help students of the faculty that still stays in Yogyakarta amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The aid was in the form of frying oil, noodles, rice, milk, and other basic necessities. Through the Student Board of Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIPOL), the aid was distributed since April 1st 2020.
Before getting the aid, university students have to register themselves through a form shared by the Fisipol Student Board. In that form, university students are asked to give a description about where they are staying and what they currently need. Other than that, university students can also report when they feel symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, or high fever. The fisipol student board will then give several directions to further treat those symptoms.
Falin Atsal, The Head of Social Division of Fisipol Student Board said that the aid was distributed in several waves. After the first period of registration is over, the student board will announce the provisions of aid receiving and the next wave of registration through the student board’s official Instagram (@demafisipolugm). The aid can be received at Fisipol by showing student ID card or it can also be delivered if it fulfills certain terms and conditions.
So far, the second wave of aid have already been distributed in April 6th. The third wave of registration is already opened as well. The current aid will be prioritized for those who haven’t received any in the prior waves.
Other than aids from the faculty, the Fisipol student board also opens for donation by cooperating with Fisipol Student Family and Department Student Group. The donation called “Hand in Hand” is open for all academic civitas of Gadjah Mada University’s Fisipol. Mirtha Aulia as a contact person of the donation explained that the money gathered is used to buy face shields for several hospitals and to help students in need of Covid-19 testing. The donation can be sent through these bank account:
- BNI 0813975532 a/n Mirtha Aulia P
- CIMB 705849955400 a/n Ramadhani Tareq Kemal Pasha
It is hoped that the aid and donation can help people in need during the pandemic, especially university students.
Translator: Ni Made Diah