Yogyakarta, January 28 2021 – On Tuesday (26/1) the Library of FISIPOL UGM officially launched the Kubuku application in the Digital Library (DIGILIB) of FISIPOL UGM. This application’s online launching was done together with the discussion and book review UNI EROPA Institusi, Politik, dan Kebijakan and cooperated with Komunitas Indonesia untuk Kajian Eropa (KIKE). Media Fisipol had a chance to interview Yuli Hesti Wahyuningsih, S.IP., as the Coordinator of the Library of FISIPOL about the application that is available in DIGILIB.
Hesti explained that Kubuku is an application in the DIGILIB of FISIPOL which was developed by a publisher Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta. This application can be downloaded on the PlayStore with a keyword ‘DIGILIB Fisipol UGM’ and on the Windows on https://kubuku.id/download/digilib-fisipol-ugm/. The schematic and method of work of Kubuku is the same with the conventional libraries, the borrower can borrow the available books according to the copies of books. If the e-book copies are all borrowed, then the borrower will enter the waiting list section. “The system of borrowing books in Kubuku is the same with a conventional library, the borrowers will enter the waiting list according to the availability of the books,” Hesti said.
Hesti also talked about the origin of why the Digital Library of FISIPOL launched the Kubuku. She said that many books which were written by the lecturers of FISIPOL UGM were published by Graha Ilmu Yogyakarta. The total books in Kubuku itself are 57 titles of books and 109 copies of them. Kubuku is not only limited to the students of the FISIPOL UGM but other people outside FISIPOL UGM can be a member. Before using Kubuku, the users are required to sign up.
Other than Kubuku, Hesti also introduced another digital library in the DIGILIB, it was ePerpus. There are 6,820 titles of books in the ePerpus with 7,491 copies and were published by Gramedia. The ePerpus application can be downloaded on the PlayStore and App Store, meanwhile we only can read on our personal computers. The FISIPOL students who want to use the ePerpus can login with their UGM email address. “Since they became a student in FISIPOL, they can access the ePerpus. And it will automatically be revoked if they already graduated,” Hesti added.
Hesti revealed the advantages of these two digital libraries in the DIGILIB FISIPOL. First, the collections of the books are complimenting each other. That’s because not all ebooks are available in ePerpus due to the limitation of the publishers. So does the Kubuku. “There are books which are not available in ePerpus but available in Kubuku, and vice versa,” Hesti explained. Other than ePerpus and Kubuku, FISIPOL also provided the 231 books of Taylor and Francis with 231 copies of them.