Yogyakarta, July 29th 2020—The Student Association under the Social Development and Welfare Department in Fisipol UGM, known as KAPSTRA, is collaborating for the second time with Google Gapura Digital on a digital marketing class that is held online. This collaboration is made in a form of two discussions that was held on 29th and 30th July 2020. KAPSTRA, represented by the vice president, Andhika Ihza, mentioned that this digital marketing class is made not only for PSDK students, but also for the public, so that a lot of people gain benefits from this event. In this first session, Fikri Kurniawan as the facilitator of Google Gapura Digital in Yogyakarta and also as the SEO and Google Ads Expert was brought in as the main speaker to talk about the basic basis of Google Ads.
Fikri started the presentation by giving an explanation that the online business existence has been growing very rapidly. Many products, starting from fashion, accessories, gadgets up to services are sellers’ favorite things that are used to make a new business and utilize many varieties of platforms. Fikri stated that we need to know the three online-based main traffic sources (selling platform) which are social media, marketplace and search engine facilitated by Google.
Each of the three online-based main traffic sources has their own characteristics, especially in product and seller requirement conditions. For example, social media has a principal character that the sales depends on how the seller can influence someone to buy the product that the seller sells. Usually these products that are sold on social media are included as tertiary products.
However, marketplace like Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Shoppe etc. are platforms that are used to provide product deals that may be needed or not. Other than those two, the search engine that is owned by Google is used to facilitate the advertising media. In this term, there are two types of search engine models, which are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
These two search engines usually can be seen from the usage of Google Ads as a platform owned by Google to display products or services that we have. What needs to be underlined is to differentiate between Google Ads and Google Adsense. Google Ads are advertising media that can be used by sellers to display their advertisement, in order to do that we need to pay Google. Whereas, Google Adsense is a condition where Google pays the website owner whose website is used to display the advertisement.
Google Ads works by applying a bidding system. Seller gives their advertisement cost and the one who bid the highest price will be displayed at the very top. Fikri also added that other than that, the seller’s advertisement still can be on the top of the list even though they don’t pay the highest. This can be done when our advertisements have a high percentage of click through rate.
Sellers can also work on this by making the advertisement as relevant and as appealing as possible with the other products and services that are offered. Google Ads can be managed with two styles, which are the simplified way that can be accessed by Google My Business and with an advanced way that can be accessed with ads.google.com. Not only that, advertising media that is owned by Google also offer types of Google Ads that can be used, such as Search Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads, Shopping Ads, and Apps Ads.
As an advertising platform, Google Ads offered by Google have certain benefits depending on what the seller wants. In this term, Fikri mentioned some of them are, first, the usage of Google Ads that makes sellers easier to connect and find customers. For example, just by typing the relevant keywords with the one owned by the seller. Other than that, sellers will also be facilitated by the easiness of choosing the target customer location as well as the target customer demographics.. Second, Google Ads give a sense of easiness to sellers to manage their advertising earnings. Sellers will be flexible to manage when their advertisement will be displayed. Google also accepts sellers to pay with the minimum price of 20.000 Rupiahs. Third, Google Ads also makes it easy for sellers to manage how the advertisement works by tracking the percentage of people who have seen the advertisement based on the chosen demographics.
In conclusion, Google Ads is an easy advertising media that can make a high profit as mentioned before. In addition, the effectiveness of Google Ads are very high because Google Ads become an interesting place to advertise, offering easiness by connecting the relevance on the key words as well as have an advertisement that looks like an organic search results. (//Adn).