Yogyakarta, June 14th 2024–In an attempt to improve the comfort and quality of learning, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science has just installed new chairs in some of the buildings’ classrooms. There are about 412 new chair units, which replaced the old model of the chair present in the five classes in the BA Fisipol UGM classroom. The five classes are BA 203, BA 205, BA 301, BA 302, BA 303. This change is a gradual one, done by the faculty after the older facilities were getting too uncomfortable for the learning process.
The newly installed chairs have a modern and ergonomic design, which is designed to give the most comfort and also reduce fatigue during lectures. The newer chairs have a soft cushion and backrests, as well as a folding desk for easier writing. Not just that, the faculty also installed special chairs to accommodate left-handed students.
Galuh Lintang Larasati, a student of Management and Public Policy, recounted her experiences after attending class using the newly replaced chair. She explained that after the new chairs were installed, she is much more comfortable following the lecture in class. “I felt more tired sitting in these old wooden chairs, but now it is much more comfortable following the sessions in class,” she said. Lastly, she mentioned that the newer chairs have made it easier for her to take notes with a book or on her device.
Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si., as Head of Administration Office at Fisipol UGM, said that the change of chairs is one of the faculty’s commitments to fulfill the learning comfort standards for every student. “We aim to provide comfort to students, that is all,” Paminto added. He hopes that with the improvement of facilities, comes a higher quality learning experience. With that, the students can comfortably and passionately finish their study period and increase their accomplishments.
Paminto also mentioned that Fisipol UGM will always make an effort to increase the comfort of students, whether it is in class or outside class. The needs of the students will be weighted and adjusted according to the faculty budget and priority mapping. “Facilitating the needs of the students per the procedure is our principle regarding this issue,” Paminto concluded. This commitment will always be held and become the manifestation of Fisipol in its efforts to fulfill SDGs 4, Quality Education.