Yogyakarta, November 13th 2021─The students of Fisipol UGM Communication Studies Department held a Webinar Afternoon Talks: Chit-Chat Comm as a part of the Laksamana UGM event. Laksamana UGM is a communication competition aimed towards high school students all across Indonesia. The webinar is meant to give insights about UGM Communication Studies as well as university life towards webinar attendees and competitors.The Afternoon Talks Webinar was divided into two sessions; the event with the main speaker and a breakout room session. Damar Rizky Nuranda, a former Personal Manager Director in Ravacana Films, was the main speaker.
Damar said that communication studies fits for students who want to analyze and learn about contemporary issues. Communication studies creates a space for students to learn about what they are passionate about such as music and movie analysis, brand campaigns, or advertisements.
“From the outset, it does look easy and laid back, it’s as if we don’t really study but instead are only learning how to speak. In reality, we can explore several topics such as advertising, strategic communication, media, broadcasting, and news casting,” Damar said. Moreover, in UGM Communication Studies, students can choose courses from several categories which are communication strategy that consists of advertisements and social engagement, and media that consists of entertainment media and journalism.
In the entertainment media category, Damar learned how to write a script, sell a movie, or how to make sure that entertainment media products can be well received by the society. He also took an advertisement course which was also interesting. He learned about how to promote a product, how to choose the best media for promotion, and how to analyze the cost from the Advertisement Media Planning and Media Planning course.
Other than academic activities, Damar also said that studying communication opened the door for him to be active in constructing an event and volunteering. Damar’s experience as the Project Manager of Ajisaka, a communication competition event by UGM Communication Studies, allowed him to network as well as create an event which includes a virtual exhibition and online national competition.
“We can also try to join events outside of university. Jogja is a cultural city which allows us to delve into the creative industry. We can try to be a volunteer or a committee in Jogja’s creative events.” Damar said. Other than that, Damar also said that we need to know our priorities when we are in university so that we can be responsible towards the things that we are handling.
The event was followed by a breakout room session to talk about specific interests with representatives from The Semi Autonomous Unit which are Kinekom for movies, Premiere for public relations, DeADline for advertisements, and PPC for journalism and photography.