Yogyakarta, December 13th 2021─FISIPOL UGM’s Unit of Academic Innovation held a Lecturer Workshop Series with the theme of “University Innovation Assessment” on Monday (13/12). The event was done through Zoom Meeting and invited Grendi Hendrastomo, Pedagogy Expert as well as lecturer from Yogyakarta State University as the speaker. The event was held due to the concern from FISIPOL UGM lecturers about the output assessment method of university tasks.
On this occasion, Grendi talked about assessment development and student activity based scoring according to the learning objective. According to him, an assessment is a process of gathering proofs as a way to create a decision related to the learning outcomes in line with the learning objectives that are being measured. Assessments are aimed to help increase learning productivity, determine learning outcomes, and evaluate the learning quality. The assessment principles are validity, justice, objectivity, thoroughness, continuity, openness, and meaning.
“The more we give an assessment the better. To give tasks is not always in our hands as a lecture, but it is our responsibility to give the best for our students,” Grendi said.
However, sometimes lecturers forget that when we give a lot of tasks to students, it is also correlated with the scoring context. Scoring can be in the form of numbers, scores, or feedback. Sometimes those things are not done by the lecturers; the students receive a lot of tasks but they never know the purpose of the task because they never receive feedback.
Grendi said that when lecturers give tasks or assess students, then they also need to be prepared to do the scoring. The scoring process can be done by giving the answer to the question so that students know where they made the mistake, or lecturers can give feedback in other forms.
“At the end of the day, the learning objective in the course can be fulfilled. There should also not be students who receive C/D when they have received feedback from the scoring method,” he said.
When assessments and scoring is already done, the last part is to evaluate which is a process to give the pass/not pass status and fulfill/not fulfill the learning objective. The evaluation is done to see whether students have done a great job or not. The function of an evaluation is for improvement in the future.
Moreover, an assessment development needs to go through a long process. The innovation process starts from planning the learning process throughout the semester, the learning objective, objective fulfillment strategy, learning activities with feedback until planning the final outcome.