Yogyakarta, 2 October 2024─To support the fulfillment of student nutrition, Fisipol UGM provides free breakfast during exam week. The program “Fisipol Free Breakfast” is held again during the exam week from 30 September 2024 to 11 October 2024.
Fisipol Free Breakfest is a routine agenda of Fisipol UGM that is often held during the midterm or final exam week. Through the breakfast distribution program to students who are about to take exams, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM tries to support academic students from the aspect of fulfilling nutrition, as well as supporting the efforts of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2 (Zero Hunger), and 3 (Good Health and Well-Being).
This program aims to anticipate students who are hungry during exams. Moreover, breakfast is an important key to maintaining concentration, which impacts student exam results. It is not uncommon for students in exam week to sleep late and stay up late to study or do assignments. As a result, they wake up late in the morning and have no chance to have breakfast. By providing free breakfast, this problem can be solved.
It is no wonder, then, that this program that provides free breakfast for students is always an agenda that students look forward to. Najwa Awliya, a Communication Science student, admitted she is always enthusiastic about the free breakfast program this exam week. According to her, as a student of Fisipol, this program is one of the privileges. “Because of the free breakfast after I heard that not all faculties hold programs like that, especially during exam week. And the food provided is also quite proper regarding taste or portion,” said Najwa when taking the breakfast package.
Students can take around 150 healthy breakfast packages daily from 6:30 a.m. in the East Hall of Fisipol UGM. The breakfast menu comprises two heavy meals and a glass of milk with various flavours. The heavy meal menu varies, ranging from fried rice to rames rice and katsu rice. The menu is chosen to ensure balanced nutritional consumption.
Before taking the breakfast package, students must fill in the attendance sheet provided on the spot. The attendance aims to see the distribution of the free breakfast. With this free breakfast, Fisipol UGM hopes to provide encouragement and moral support to students during the exam period.