Yogyakarta, October 8th 2021─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of Fisipol UGM collaborated with Facebook to organize Digital Expert #3 by presenting four speakers, namely Christina Aryani, Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and the PDP Draft Committee, Noudhy Valdryno, Manager of Public Policy for Facebook Indonesia and Timor Leste, Maharum Kusuma Pertiwi, Lecturer of the Faculty of Law UGM, and Kalis Mardiasih, writer and activist with concerns about women’s issues. On this occasion, the event was held online via YouTube Live and was hosted by Faiz Rahman, CfDS Researcher as moderator. This event was attended by 786 participants with a focus on discussing community rights in the digital realm in the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill.
Opening the session, the moderator delivered some opening introductions. Technological developments that are so large have an effect on human life, both in economic, social, cultural, political life, even up to the law. Since the emergence of the internet and globalization, the development of the existing influence is also quite significant for the cyber world.
The expansion of technological developments in Indonesia has penetrated into the human rights and democracy sectors, this can be seen from the increase in issues in the digital realm such as the ITE Law to the protection of personal data. Currently, Indonesia does not yet have a law that regulates the protection of personal data, although some have been regulated in several implementing regulations, but this has not been effective in solving various problems.
Substantially, the PDP Bill is a regulatory framework that will regulate various issues regarding the protection of personal data. The discussion of this bill is the focus of Commission 1 of the House of Representatives and from the Government represented by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. The discussion in this draft law is also quite complex, until now decisions regarding the authority of institutions are still the main obstacle, this becomes quite complicated because it aims to prevent different treatments in its implementation in the future.
The discussion of the PDP Bill is not an easy thing. The various complexities in it are quite important so that understanding is needed from various parties. However, this policy has been eagerly awaited by various parties, this bill also shows a commitment to providing regulatory guarantees for the protection of personal data so that long discussions are expected to produce regulatory products that are truly useful and can have a positive impact on the people of Indonesia.