Yogyakarta, August 1st 2024─PIONIR Society for learning, introduction, potential exploration, and orientation activities at the faculty level have been held from July 31 to August 1, 2024. By raising the main issue of freedom in public space, PIONIR Society 2024 aims to introduce the inclusive campus environment of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. A talk entitled “Reconstruction of Public Spaces and Practices of Freedom of Expression in the Ruins of Democratic Values” became one of the series of PIONIR Society 2024. In the seminar session that presented Mohamad Hikari Ersada, an alumnus of the Department of Political Government who is currently serving as Program Director at the Public Virtue Research Institute, reviewed messages for young people who are critical and support basic human rights.
This year, PIONIR Society carries the theme “Lentera Aurora: Kolaborasi Rona, Melukis Karsa”. The theme seeks to represent PIONIR as a means of warm welcome for Gamada from various backgrounds to collaborate together to develop potential and create works.
According to Hazel Haikal as the General Coordinator, PIONIR Society 2024 aims to introduce four values, namely explorative, collaborative, adaptive, and inclusive for Gamada’s initial provision in navigating the world of lectures.
“This is in line with the adaptive value where Gamada through the PIONIR Society is expected to be able to adapt to inclusiveness in the UGM Fisipol environment. The value of inclusiveness is certainly needed and must be formed from the start because in working, collaborating, exploring, and carrying out various other activities, it certainly requires an inclusive space and this is also what we want to realize in PIONIR Society 2024,” said Hazel in an interview.
Apart from seminar sessions, these values were also introduced in the form of Kreasi Propaganda activities. In this activity, Gamada expressed its ideas and ideas in the form of poster media used in consolidation actions.
“This year’s PIONIR Society consolidation activity raised three social issues, namely the repression of the authorities, the lack of accessibility of inclusive public spaces, and limited access to information,” said Widyadhana Paramita, Event Coordinator of PIONIR Society 2024.
The excitement of PIONIR Society 2024 provided a memorable experience for the new students of Fisipol UGM. Not only getting to know the campus environment, they are also invited to understand and apply democratic values in everyday life. Thus, the Gamada Fisipol is expected to become a critical generation, and responsible for fighting for freedom and justice in society.