Yogyakarta, March 8th 2022─The UGM Update Series that is routinely held by UGM Yogyakarta is back with the Postgraduate Talk series that talked about three favorite magisters in the social humanities cluster. One of the magisters is the Communication Studies Magister from the Faculty of Social and Political Science. In this session, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Putra, M.A. as the Secretary of Communication Studies was chosen as the speaker. According to him, the communication studies department is still relatively young. However, it has been able to launch graduates who now work in multiple sectors, starting from the corporate sectors, to communication manager, organizations, and media.
“The Communication Studies Magister under the Department of Communication Studies has been accredited A by BAN PT DIKTI with several academic focuses such as Digital Media and Communication, Communication Management, as well as Media and Culture Analysis” said I Gusti Ngurah Putra.
With a vision of being a high end Magister of Communication Studies, with an international reputation and which can bring knowledge advancement and managerial skills in the communication studies, this magister’s department is also supported by lecturers who are graduates from various universities, both domestically or internationally.
The Magister of Communication Studies has a study term of 4 semesters or two years with 45 credits. These credits are divided into 6 mandatory classes (24 credits), 4 mandatory concentration classes (12 credits), and 3 elective classes (9 SKS). Additionally, the tuition for this magister program is Rp. 10.000.000 per semester which should be paid at every start of the semester.
“The job prospect for graduates of Communication Studies is in the communication and studies sector such as in Public Relation, Communication Management, Marketing Communication, Advertisement, Customer Relations, Journalist, Redactor, Creative Director, Copywriter, Spokesperson, Media Analyst, Lecturer and Media Entrepreneur” said I Gusti Ngurah Putra.
For postgraduate students who would like to get more information about the Magister of Communication Studies, you can access https://um.ugm.ac.id/ and https://dikom.fisipol.ugm.ac.id or see the @dikomugm Instagram. The registration period this year will be held through two waves. The first wave will be held from April to July 2022 and the second wave will be held from October 2022 to January 2023.