Precariousness of Vulnerable Workers and Reform of Social Protection Schemes during a Pandemic

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2021─The Social Research Center (SOREC) of FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with the Department of Sociology held an online discussion with the title “Precarization of Vulnerable Workers and Reform of Social Protection Schemes in a Pandemic Period” on (15/10). On this occasion, there were three discussion speakers, namely Indrasari Tjandraningsih, M.A., a lecturer of Parahyangan University, then Lajovi Pratama, a representative of SINDIKASI, and the last speaker A.B Widyanta M.A. as a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology UGM. This event was attended by 21 discussion participants and guided by moderator Rizqyansyah F, Assistant of SOREC FISIPOL UGM. In general, the discussion in this discussion explores the dynamics of vulnerable workers during the pandemic and how alternative solutions to various problems in the precarization or weakening system are. Starting the first session, the event was opened with remarks from the representative of the secretary of SOREC FISIPOL UGM, Gregorius Ragil. In his speech, Ragil expressed his gratitude for the presence of the presenters and participants in this knowledge sharing event. Furthermore, this event is expected to provide new insights that can be reflected and contributed to the community according to our role in everyday life.

Entering the core session, the first material was delivered by Indrasari regarding the dynamics of female workers during the pandemic. In his explanation, Indrasari said that the pandemic situation had an impact on the economic sector for both companies and workers. In this context, female workers are a group with several risks of vulnerability, namely discrimination, violence and harassment, and access. Continuing the previous explanation, the second speaker, Lajovi revealed that the precarious condition is a form of weakening of groups of workers, due to uncertain mechanisms in terms of working time, assignments, guarantees, and others. This situation has implications for labor exploitation under the pretext of flexibility, which ultimately has an impact on flexible practices that are detrimental to workers.

In line with the previous two presenters, Widyanta said that the pandemic situation, the creation of the workforce, and the presence of the omnibus law were a form of weakening not only in the economic context but also in people’s lives as a whole. In this uncertain situation, the government has an obligation to overcome various problems that occur in society. Even though it is so complicated, one alternative solution can be done by implementing an optimization of social protection schemes, so that workers can get a reward commensurate with their efforts and hard work.