Yogyakarta, May 30, 2024─Through Social Development Talks (SODET), the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Fisipol UGM, together with Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) DIY held a discussion entitled “Yogyakarta Mothers Are Concerned About Garbage?: Highlighting the Role of Women in Climate Justice Issues” on Thursday (30/5). This discussion provides an overview of the crucial role of women in addressing climate justice issues, especially in the context of waste management in Yogyakarta.
This event was moderated by Mirna Yusuf M.A., doctoral student of the Department of PSdK Fisipol UGM, and attended by several speakers who are experts in waste management and climate justice issues, namely Bintari Rochim from Lentera Mahika, Purwantining Tyas Fitri Kawuri from PKBI DIY, and Galih Prabaningrum, S .Sos., M.A., from PSdK Fisipol UGM.
Each speaker gave their presentation, starting from the challenges of waste management in Yogyakarta, the role of PKBI in advocating environmental and reproductive issues, the climate crisis, and the role of women.
The complete article can be read at the following link.