Yogyakarta, August 17th 2021─In line with Indonesia’s 76th Independence day, the meeting of FISIPOL UGM Senate was held with a special agenda of selecting the 2021-2026 Fisipol dean. This event is a part of a long process of selection of Fisipol UGM dean candidate which ends with a public eligibility test of the dean. In this opportunity, the event was hosted by Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim who is a lecturer of the governmental politics department and Dr.Fina Itriyati who is a lecturer of the sociology department. Additionally, the event was also attended by representatives of each department, lecturers, students, and Kafisipolgama. The event was held online and attended by 160 people.
To start the event, an opening remark was given by the head of Fisipol senate which is Prof. Susetiawan, SU. In his remark, Susetiawan said that the selection process for the 2021-2026 dean has gone long enough. Starting from the socialization process, open registration, until the extension of the registration time. Unfortunately, by the end of the period, there was only one registrant which was Dr. Wawan Mas’udi from the department of governmental politics.
Next, moving on to the center of the show, the host allowed Dr. Wawan talked about his vision and mission which were then replied to by the attendants. Dr. Wawan then talked about the vision and mission he had formulated for Fisipol in the next five years. The vision he choses is “taking on the new challenges, adjusting to the new normal”. On the other hand, there are five mission of his choice; developing social welfare and health program for Fisipol academic members, developing innovative learning design based on hybrid learning through the strengthening of digital adaptation system, strengthening Fisipol’s role as the academic and innovation reference, strengthening emancipatory community service based on the spirit of social inclusion and adaptive to contemporary challenges, and last but not least, developing lecturers’ human resource management by facilitating the highest academic career achievement that is adaptive to the need of the millennial generation.
After talking about the vision and mission, the attendants gave their critics and advice. The session started with the representative of students, lecturers, alumni, and ended with the representative of each department which was all directly replied to by Dr.Wawan. Generally, this session was aimed to analyze Dr.Wawan’s commitment and capability, as well as facilitate responses and two-way discussion that can be valuable to improve Fisipol UGM in the future. The event went smoothly, and the last say will be made by the senate.