Yogyakarta, October 28th 2021─The Library of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM in collaboration with the Center for Security and Peace Studies, and UGM Press, held a virtual book review “Pandemic, Conflict, Transformation: Challenges of Democracy and Social Inclusion” on Thursday (28/10). The book, which was officially released on August 30, is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Peace and Security Studies or PSKP with the Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution and The Asia Foundation through the Peduli Program.
As a start, Yuli Hesti Wahyuningsih as the host of the event invited representatives from PSKP, that was Muhammad Najib Azca, and the Deputy Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti, M.P.P, M.Sc., to give a speech as well as open the event which was held through the Zoom Meeting platform. The event was then handed over to Alfian Nurdiansyah, as the moderator to guide the discussion.
In the event which was also broadcast live on the Youtube channel of FISIPOL UGM, one of the editors of the book “Pandemic, Conflict, Transformation: Challenges of Democracy and Social Inclusion”, Dr. Luqman-nul Hakim─Aim and Frans A. Djalong, M.A.─Vicky, taking turns sharing briefly about the writings in this book which was published by UGM Press in general and their implications for future learning. “This book is the main study that uses a democracy and conflict approach as a way to understand the complexity of related issues affected by the pandemic,” concluded Alfian citing a brief explanation from Aim.
Alfian then invited Suzanna Eddyono, M.Si, MA, Ph.D., a Lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL UGM, as the first reviewer to discuss and provide views related to the book which provides a new perspective with more emphasis on aspects of conflict, peace, and harmony. and social inclusion, in view of this COVID-19 pandemic. The next reviewer, Muhadi Sugiono, M.A., a Lecturer of the Department of International Relations, FISIPOL UGM, also agreed with the points that had been explained by Suzanna. Muhadi also provided several additional points to complete the previous discussion from Suzanna.
The session was continued with a question-and-answer session which was answered by all speakers and surgeons in turn. After announcing the three best questions, Alfian returned the closing of the event to Yuli, to announce again the ten lucky participants who would receive a physical copy of the book “Pandemic, Conflict, Transformation: Challenges of Democracy and Social Inclusion” which was selected by means of an online lottery. The re-run of this virtual book review event can be watched on the YouTube channel of FISIPOL UGM.