Yogyakarta, January 6th 2022─Universitas Gadjah Mada together with the Merdeka Indonesia Jaya Campus held a Socialization of the Batch 2 of Independent Study Program for Internship and Certified Independent Studies (MSIB) at Kampus Merdeka of 2022 on Thursday (6/1). The event, which took place through Zoom Meeting, invited several MSIB Batch 1 students to share their experiences.
The Independent Campus Program by the Ministry of Education and Culture is an opportunity for students to take part in cross-study and cross-campus learning. Apart from being able to convert up to 20 credits into credits, this program also provides a certain amount of money at the end of the implementation. The program registration and selection process is carried out through the official website of the Kampus Merdeka, kampusmerdeka.kemdikbud.go.id, including uploading the required documents.
Ongky Suherman Heng, participant of the Batch 1 of Independent Study, shared his experience while studying independently at PT. Microsoft Indonesia. The activities carried out are synchronous and asynchronous with daily workloads, both individually and in groups. All learning activities carried out will be reported through the specified platform. In addition, as for the making of the final project and certification exams.
“Basically, this Microsoft teaches all the applications/platforms provided, such as Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, One Note, Skype, and so on. All the applications are studied and it is very useful because we learn all the features,” Ongky said.
Meanwhile, Diatri Rahima Adristi, is a participant of the Independent Campus Internship at PT. Indonesia Power. She was assigned to PLTU Banten 3 Lontar in the Maintenance Division: Senior Instrument Technician and Control Unit. Even though she felt tired because of the six month internship from morning to evening, Diatri admitted that she was happy to be able to do field practice and increase her knowledge.
“In this power plant, the instruments and controls are very diverse. Here we can observe how it works directly, what the problem is, what kind of problem solving it is, which is not obtained in lectures,” she said.
Diatri’s activities during the internship included job shadowing for technicians, toolbox meetings (discussing the work to be done), sharing and discussions with mentors. Not only that, Diatri also has to make monthly presentations in front of the manager and make daily, weekly, and final reports.
Apart from the two of them, there was a sharing session from Zulfa Pramita, an Independent Study participant who became the New Exporter 4.0 at the Export School, and Jamalul Lail who was an apprentice at PT. Berau Coal. After that, it was continued with the socialization of the Certified Independent Study and Internship guidebook by Dr. Nur Abdillah Siddiq, the PIC of the SIB Program. A rebroadcast of the event can be seen on the YouTube channel of KSDN UGM.