The event, which was hosted by Ramadhanti Firmaningsih from Creative Hub of Fisipol UGM, started with the presentation of material by Amalia Prabowo. As someone who has been in the advertising world for many years, Amalia said that MBKM can support students in identifying areas of interest, so that when they graduate they are ready to enter the workforce. “Find out what skills can be honed, then fight for the value,” Amalia said.
Meanwhile, Ghafran Cakra as CEO of PT Andalan Export Indonesia delivered his material about Indonesia’s potential in the world trade arena. Ghafran explained his data and experience in export-import between Indonesia and other countries. According to Ghafran, Indonesian plantation products have great potential in international trade.
The next speaker was Aron Ng who is the General Manager of PT Dagang Tangkas Indonesia who has 18 years of experience in international trade. Aron said that trade has undergone many changes thanks to digital transformation. “There are many tools that can be used to support work in the midst of this digital transformation,” Aron explained while explaining various software such as Google Workspace, Trello, and Slack. The use of this software, according to Aron, is a form of adaptation to digital transformation.
The last material was delivered by Irene Marsella as the Head of Partnership of PT Andalan Export Indonesia. Irene explained the role of e-commerce in the digital era and its advantages over conventional markets. According to Irene, e-commerce has a wider market opportunity, is not limited by space and time, and saves accommodation.