Yogyakarta, September 8th 2021─Indonesian Young Sociopreneurs or Soprema UGM again presents a national webinar as one of a series of events in the second year of online Soprema implementation. Held on Wednesday (8/9) through the Zoom Meeting platform, the webinar entitled “Sociopreneur 101: Sociopreneur Strategy in Awakening the Nation in the Era of Disruption” seeks to provide a discussion space for academics and practitioners regarding various alternative strategies for young sociopreneurs. Soprema believes that the COVID-19 pandemic situation is actually a challenge and not an obstacle for young people in carrying out their social businesses.
The spirit brought by Soprema was emphasized by the two keynote speakers in this webinar, which was hosted by Lalita Anindya, they were Dr. H. M. Asrorun Ni’am, S.Ag., M.A., as The 2nd Deputy for Youth Development at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, B.B.A., M.B.A., as the Minister of Tourism andCreative Economy. Even though they gave different perspectives on the discussion, the two keynote speakers conveyed one important point in common, that youth are agents of change, and that change can be realized in the form of sociopreneurship. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic condition can be the right momentum for young people to improve their skills, both in terms of resilience with digitalization and development with collaboration.
The important points conveyed by the two keynote speakers were further strengthened by evidence of the experience of each resource person in the material presentation session. Guided by Fuji Riang Prastowo, S.Sos., M.Sc., as moderator, the four speakers delivered their material in sequence, starting from Atikah Rasyid as Founder and CEO of FAM LINTAU; Nur Agis Aulia, S.Sos., as Owner of Jawara Farm and Ambassador of Young Farmers 2018; Eka Zuni Lusi Astuti as Deputy Managing Director of Soprema 2021 and Lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of UGM; to Marcella Zalianty as Socio and Creative Entrepreneur.
The participants of the webinar were very enthusiastic about the webinar which was also broadcast live on the Youtube channel of FISIPOL UGM. This enthusiasm can be seen from the many questions that come in, even before the material presentation session from the speakers. The enthusiasm of the participants can also be seen from the uploads on social media that display a summary of the webinar activities. The rerun of the webinar can be watched on the YouTube channel of FISIPOL UGM.