Yogyakarta, September 27th 2023─In the third year of the implementation of Fisipol 3 Minutes Thesis (3MT), the selection stage managed to attract dozens of undergraduate and graduate students from various faculties at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Ten finalists were selected from the undergraduate and graduate categories and then participated in the 3MT final event on Wednesday (27/9). In his speech, Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, appreciated the good purpose of organizing this competition. “In order to build a culture, especially among undergraduate and postgraduate students, to be able to convey confidently what they think and the results of their research well as part of forming effective public speaking,” Wawan explained. He believes that good research results are not only about the methods and findings, but also how research can bring impact to society. FISIPOL 3MT is a place to communicate research results in a compact and concise manner so that it can be understood by the general public.
All five Fisipol 3MT judges agreed that the issues raised by the finalists were very diverse, but also overlapped. “From your [finalists’] stories today, I learned that it turns out that knowledge becomes very strong because we overlap with each other,” said Dr. Mufti Nurlatifah, one of the Fisipol 3MT judges. Besides Mufti, other judges were Dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, PhD, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the FKKMK UGM; Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, M.A., Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Information Systems of the Faculty of Law UGM; Dahlia Citra Buana, Chief Ecosystem Development of Narasi TV; and Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, M.A., Lecturer of International Relations at Udayana University.
This year’s Fisipol 3MT event indeed presents a variety of topics, ranging from health, technology, forestry, media politics, law, to sustainable agriculture. This multidisciplinary spirit is upheld in the organization of FISIPOL 3MT.
This year, the Fisipol 3MT undergraduate category was won by Japet Moryo Doclas, a student of the Faculty of Forestry. He won this competition through his research entitled “SURE: Agroforestry Implementation is the Solution!”. In the same category, the second place was won by Erin Tasya Sinaga, a student of FKKMK Medicine. Ahsani Mufidah, a student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, won the People’s Choice Award (PCA) through online voting.
Meanwhile, the winner of the postgraduate category was Syahriani through her research entitled “Smart Bioplastic Fertilizer: An Environmentally Friendly Solution in Supporting Optimal Plant Growth”. She is a Master student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The second place was also won by a Master student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Muh Rizal B. Finally, the PCA in the postgraduate category was awarded to Fathia Islamiyatul Syahida, a student of the Department of Communication Studies of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. The champions and PCA winners are entitled to cash prizes totaling 19 million rupiah.