Yogyakarta, March 10th 2023─The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM hosted the national meeting and working meeting of the Forum of Deans of Social Sciences of Indonesian State Universities (FORDEKIIS) which took place on 9-11 March 2023. This meeting was attended by 112 delegates from 51 faculties of social science in Indonesia. The issue of nationality is one of the important agenda items that is thoroughly discussed for the sake of substantive general elections in 2024. As a forum that brings together academics in the social sciences, FORDEKIIS wants to help ensure that the implementation of the 2024 elections will run with full integrity and focus on the programmatic side of the existing candidates.
“We have a big responsibility in overseeing the 2024 election so that it can run with substantive and more programmatic frameworks, not only as an agenda to win candidates A, B or C,” said the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi in his opening remarks at the FORDEKIIS National Meeting.
The Rector of UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG., Ph.D. stated that FORDEKIIS has a central role in welcoming the 2024 Election and can collaboratively provide important recommendations for the success of the people’s party.
“FORDEKIIS is an extraordinary forum not only for exchanging ideas but also how to improve competency content that can collaborate between universities which can later enrich the insights of our graduates,” said Prof. Ova.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Department of Politics and Government of FISIPOL UGM Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim gave his views regarding the level of public trust for election organizers. There is a need for strong trust in election management institutions, especially the KPU RI, because it will also have an impact on the quality of democracy.
“FISIPOL UGM has a program to enrich political education called the FISIPOL Leadership Forum. This departs from the idea that campuses are not anti-political, that faculties have political networks that can be utilized to improve the quality of democracy, not only to win candidates,” he explained.
In addition to discussions related to the 2024 Election, FORDEKIIS also discussed the Independent Accreditation Institution or Independent Accreditation Institution for Social, Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (LAMSPAK). In essence, accreditation is an external quality assurance stipulated in the Minister of Education and Culture regarding accreditation. Accreditation quality standards originate from SN DIKTI (Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020) as a minimum standard (Good Accreditation). However, in practice there are several problems related to the accreditation process that need to be addressed, one of which is the assessor’s understanding of the Study Program Permanent Lecturer (Dosen Tetap Program Studi/DTPS) which equates with home base lecturers.