Yogyakarta, July 29th 2020—Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) held a Masters degree period IV 2020 graduation online on Friday (25/7). In this graduation there were the graduates, dean and vice dean of Fisipol and the representative of each major in Fisipol. There were 54 graduates from the Magistrate and Doctoral program from different majors in Fisipol.
The graduates came from seven Magistrate program and one Doctoral Program. Those magistrate programs are; Public Policy Management (7 graduates), Politics and Governance (14 graduates), Sociology (4 graduates), Social and Welfare Development (4 graduates), Communication Study (8 graduates), Public Administration Study (13 graduates) and International Relations (3 graduates. One other graduate came from the public administration doctoral program.
The graduate that had the highest GPA was Ifan Endi Susanto. Ifan graduated from the Communication majors with a 3,97 GPA. The fastest graduate was Adwina Dimas Putra Ramadhani who studied Public Administration. Adwina finished his studies in 1 year, 7 months, and 10 days.
This graduation had 8 cum laude awardees. Those awardees came from the Communication major (2 graduates), Public Policy Management (1 graduate), Public Administration study (2 graduate), Politics and Governance study (2 graduate), as well as Social and Welfare study (1 graduate). There were also 22 graduate who got the Very Satisfactory title and 13 graduate who got the Satisfactory title.