Yogyakarta, March 26th 2021 – The Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL UGM held a launching of Journal of Social Development Studies on Friday (26/3). This launching event was done on Zoom and could be watched on the YouTube channel ‘PSdK FISIPOL UGM’. As a symbol of this launching, there was a cutting the tumpeng event that was done by Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si., the Head of the Department of Social Development and Welfare. The journal launching was moderated by Kafa Abdallah Kafaa, S.Sos., M.A., an editor of JSDS and a lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare. In this event there was also a discussion and Q&A session with the writers of the journal.
The symbolic gesture of cutting the tumpeng was carried out by Krisdyatmiko to Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D, as the Editor in Chief of JSDS. In his brief speech, Krisdyatmiko revealed that the cutting the tumpeng procession that was given to Nurhadi was a symbolic form to continue to oversee this journal from the beginning to the future. Nurhadi, representing the JSDS editor, received the tumpeng as a symbol of mandate to make JSDS progressively develop in overseeing the production of knowledge in the Department of Social Development and Welfare.
In his speech, Krisdyatmiko mentioned that the launching of the JSDS is one of the realization of the Department’s founding fathers’ ideas to always take a side with the marginal people. Krsidyatmiko admitted that this journal is one of the Department’s goals that he hoped not only to provide studies but also practices in realizing community’s welfare through social development agendas. At the end of his speech, Krisdyatmiko invited the audience to send articles to the JSDS. “Let’s enliven this journal by sending various articles which will be selected and published for publication on JSDS”, he added.
Prof. Dr. Setiawan, S.U, the Head of the Knowledge Production of the Department of Social Development and Welfare Team told the story that JSDS is the first product that was produced by the collective teamwork. Susetiawan admitted that JSDS has been initiated for a long time and this time it has entered its third publication. According to him, journal writing is an important part of academic activities. With this journal, he hoped that there will be big ideas or ideas in the context of future social development.
The event was then continued with a discussion and question and answer session with explanations from three journal article writers. The first presentation by Ahmad Shodikin, S.Ag., M.A. with the title “Advocacy for Civil Society Alliance: Failure to Seize Accessibility in the Management of Corporate Social Responsibility through Local Regulations” in JSDS Volume 1 Issue 1. The second presentation was continued by Rizqy Anita Putri, S.Sos., with the title “Jogja Food Solidarity as an Alternative Actor for Providing Welfare in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Period” in JSDS Volume 1 Issue 2. The last presentation was conducted by Kristianto, S.I.P. with the title “Social Media and Connective Action: A Case Study of Using Twitter as a Space of Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in JSDS Volume 2 Issue 1.