Guiding the course of the event, Anisa Pratita as the moderator gave some discussion questions. Starting from Kominfo, Anisa tries to find out what breakthroughs have been made by Kominfo, and about what homework needs to be done together.
Responding to this, Dedy said that Digital Intelligence Classes have been held since 2020 and in collaboration with 120 community institutions and institutions in Indonesia. Considering that this class requires cooperation from various parties, together with public figures, content creators, activists on women’s issues, children’s issues, and others, the Ministry of Communication and Information seeks to implement inclusive and collaborative digital literacy. Basically, there is still a lot of homework, but the point is that every individual must be responsible for using existing digital developments. In this case, young people must always be positive, creative, and productive.
Continuing with chatting activities with Tasya and Fiki, the two guest stars shared interesting stories related to their experiences in using digital technology.
According to Tasya, in a pandemic era like this, we can use the provision of technology to continue to be productive and work. The same thing was also conveyed by Fiki Naki who is involved in the world of content creators. According to him, it is also important to maintain digital security by not clicking on links on the internet or sharing information too easily.
Closing the event this afternoon, the speakers said that digital intelligence classes need to be welcomed. By taking this class, young people can learn, develop, and continue to produce positive works.