Yogyakarta, May 22nd 2020 – Career Development Center or CDC Fisipol UGM held a webinar with the topic, ‘Tips on Making an Attractive CV’. In this occasion, CDC presented Salsabi Rolyansah as the speaker, she was a Business Development Executive of Klob. This event was moderated by Alfira Nuarifia Handitasari and the event was started from 02.00 p.m. until 04.00 p.m. through Google Meets platform.
Before talking about the discussion topic, Salsabi introduced Klob, a digital platform focused on helping the users to look for a new job and develop themselves. Specifically, this platform tried to help the fresh graduates to get a job that matches with their potentials. One of the features on Klob was klob meter as the personality test kit. By using algorithms and technologies, Klob could help its users find a company that match with their skills and help them in developing themselves by using their learning content.
Some of the topics in this webinar were practical tips to make an attractive CV, recruitment materials, and how to make a CV that matches with the offers from the companies. Related with the selection process, Salsabi said that “the selection process not only looking for the best and the highest. In this case, the company assesses the candidate by considering the investments, in the sense of whether or not this individual has useful additional values that could be used for developing the company,”.
Curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that useful as the first door or the first impression to get the position that you want. In doing the selection process, the company assesses a candidate’s compatibility in certain positions through four things: experience, educational history, personal attribute, and behavior.
The priority that needed to be considered in making an attractive CV was, what we could do to the company. Therefore, the content structure of the CV should be in order from the most important, identity, the summary of yourself, professional experiences, educational background, skills or certifications, and portofolio. Other than that, in making a CV we could write some additional contents. In this case, it was very important for a CV to give informations that described the personal character. Some of the infos were hobbies, photos, references, and social medias.
Basically, CV was a small part of many factors in the case of applying for jobs. Nevertheless, CV should be very-well made, given that this document was useful as the opening door. Other than that, one of the most important thing was the compatibility that you wanted with the skills and the contents in the CV. This things could be done to get a result that you wanted in applying for jobs.