Yogyakarta, November 5th, 2022—To celebrate the 29th Dies Natalis, the Magister Study of Public Administration Science (MAP) DMKP Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada held a National Seminar titled “The Direction of Digital Transformation of Government in Indonesia: Adaptation and Problems”. This event was held on Saturday (5/11) in the Seminar room of the Magister Study of Public Administration Science (MAP) DMKP Fisipol UGM building.
This national seminar invited four speakers who are experts in the government digital transformation area. The speakers invited are also alumni from the Magister Study of Public Administration Science (MAP) DMKP Fisipol Universitas Gadjah Mada which are Dr. Frans Pekey, M.Si (Mayor of Jayapura and MAP Alumni Batch 2002), Dr.H. Genius Umar, S.Sos., M.Si. (Mayor of Pariaman and MAP Alumni Batch 2001), Agung Kurniawan, S.IP., and Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP as a MAP lecturer and a Professor in the Faculty of Social Science and Politics at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
This national seminar talked about three key points. First, about the trajectory of governmental digital transformation both in the central government and in Indonesia’s regions. Second, about the challenges faced in the effort of Indonesia’s digital transformation implementation. Third, the steps that can be taken to push digital transformation and create a positive impact from digital transformation policies.
The digital transformation of three regions in Indonesia – Jayapura city, Pariaman city, and Kulon Progo – was also one of the topics of discussion. The discussion included talks about digital transformation backgrounds, the policies of digitalization acceleration in Indonesia, the involvement of local officials as digital transformation enablers, and local government strategies in adapting to digital transformation. The discussion session was closed with a presentation from Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo, MPP regarding the transformation of digital governance, followed by a question and answer session.
The series of events then continued with the Alumni Talk event and ended with campus nostalgia entitled Campus Tour. (/ta)