Yogyakarta, December 20th 2022─Responding to an increase in investment trends among the youth, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is collaborating with an investment platform, Pluang, to increase financial literacy. This collaboration was realized in a talk show entitled “Smart Investment for Smart Generation: Financial Trends for Young People ahead of 2023” which was held on Tuesday (20/12) at the Mandiri Fisipol UGM Auditorium.
The collaboration between UGM and Pluang was welcomed by the Chancellor of UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG(K)., Ph.D. “I think by being given information like this, more and more students will be interested and invest smartly, which won’t be detrimental,” Ova said when giving a speech. According to her, financial literacy will prevent students from being trapped in bad investments.
IDM research results show that 50 percent of Generation Z are interested in investing. This was conveyed by Claudia Kolonas, CEO and Co-Founder of Pluang, who was present as a speaker at the talk show. These conditions are much different from five or ten years ago. This shows a change in the mindset of young people in Indonesia. “In terms of financial literacy, we can see that the increase in financial literacy in Indonesia has increased tremendously. About five out of ten people are financially literate,” said Claudia.
Claudia also positively welcomed the emerging financial trends in investing, namely dividing and diversifying assets. This is also what she is trying to encourage through Pluang. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” she said. Therefore, investing must also be accompanied by caution, especially in choosing an investment platform. “Choose an investment platform logically and don’t be tempted by influencers. Study the available information and use critical thinking in choosing investments,” she said.
Investment is an uncertain thing, therefore the risk in investing is still there. According to Prof. Dr. Paripurna, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M, Professor of Business Law UGM, risk management and opportunity creation is a necessity in investing. To be able to invest safely, the most important thing is to choose a legal platform. “The provider must be legal so they can get legal protection,” Paripurna said.