In the midst of the onslaught of foreign culture in Indonesia, moral values education and Nusantara’s culture is a big issue that needs to be paid attention to. In response to this problem, several UGM students who joined the Students Creativity Program in the Entrepreneurship chapter (PKM-K) created a doll called Bobusa.id as a way to educate children. Bobusa.id used the local story of Malin Kundang and Roro Jonggrang as the base for the character.
The PKM-K team which consist of four students in the Communication Department which are Anugerah Ale, Landrikus Andra, Mafthukatun Deritanti, Reksan Ridho, and one Economy Department student which is Defrialdo Romadhony, said that to use local story to educate children is the right thing to do because it carries the message of listening to your parents and fulfilling our promises in our social interaction. “The doll we see in the market usually doesn’t represent Indonesia’s values, so we have the initiative of creating a doll that represents Indonesia’s values as a way to educate children,” said Anugerah as the head of the Bobusa.id team in their launching event.
Bobusa.id does not only promote their culture but they are also integrated with the latest technology which is the QR Code that is linked to an interactive animation video of local stories. Users only need to scan the QR Code with their phone. “The detail of the product is that it is 30 cm tall, and it has a QR Code with the size of 6,3 cm x 8.8 cm which is linked to an animation in Youtube created by the PKM-K team. It is also encased by ivory 310 gsm paper with a background of the doll’s region,” said Anugerah.
Guided by a lecturer from the Department of Communication, Syaifa Tania, S.IP., M.A., this new innovation from Bobusa.id is hoped to be able to create a nurturing parenting pattern that can positively affect the child’s development in the future. “We hope Bobusa.id can be an educational media as well as a toy for kids. Having the QR Code that is linked with Youtube is also a way for us to teach children through the interactive video,” said Anugerah.
More information about the product and how to buy it can be seen through the Instagram account of Bobusa.id, which is @bobusa.id.