Yogyakarta, 27th of August 2018-In recent years, social programs that are aimed to solve public issues are facing a significant change. Not only it is improving quantitatively, but also the actors that are participating in empowerment programs are also improving. Previously centred on charity, current social programs are shifting towards capacity building and empowerment. As a result, the self-sustainment and the sustainability of the programs can be felt by the society. This shift was discussed on the event ‘Discussion & Book Review: Rowing Towards Empowerment’, which was held by KAPSTRA FISIPOL UGM in cooperation with the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) FISIPOL UGM and Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ).
The discussion, which took place in the Eastern Seminar Room of FISIPOL UGM, was attended by Erna Yati as the representative of the Social Responsibility division of Pertamina Hulu Energi, which gave an opening speech and proceeded with another opening speech by Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si. as the Head of PSDK Department FISIPOL UGM, which was also a speaker in the discussion. In his opening speech, Krisdyatmiko conveyed that the aim of the discussion was to provide a clear image regarding the implementation of community empowerment programs for FISIPOL UGM students, which was delivered by the alumnus as the authors of ‘Rowing towards empowerment’. Along with Krisdyatmiko, other participants included Agus Sudaryanto S.E.,M.M as the Chief of PROPER work group specializing in Community Development, Hj. Dra. Tuti Suwarsih, M.M.Pd. as the Chief of Binakan regency’s scout council and Dindin Komarudin AKS as the Executive Director of Kumala Foundation; which also participated as a speaker and was moderated by Dian Fatmawati, S.IP., M.A..
Interviewed after the event, Agus Suryadanto expressed his gratitude and appreciation towards KAPSTRA and PSdK Department of FISIPOL UGM for organizing the event. He also hoped that PHE ONWJ would continue cooperation with FISIPOL UGM for future similar events that can house the exchange of information and education between academicians and the company. It can be “PHE Goes to Campus, or other events. The point is, opportunities for future cooperation with FISIPOL UGM are always open as it is today,” he stated.