Upgrade Your CV and Interview, Level Up Your Value

Yogyakarta, October 2nd 2021─The Student Corps of the Social Development and Welfare Department (KAPSTRA) Fisipol UGM held the second KKN webinar with the title of Upgrade Your CV and Interview, Level Up Your Value”. On this occasion, the event was moderated by Benedicta Nadindra S, a human resource staff at KAPSTRA and the speaker was Inaulia Sekar R, Founder and CEO in AIDE Consultant. The event was held online and was attended by 50 people. The webinar talked about the preparation to enter the working world, starting from how to prepare a good CV and how to do an interview well. 

Right now, there are pretty clear changes in the process of job recruitment. According to the speaker, the recruitment process goes faster, where it used to take years now it only takes a month. BPS Data shows that the fresh graduate trend is increasing from year to year, therefore fresh graduates need to realize that the competition in the workforce is very high. 

The selection process is also different in every company, but generally the selection process starts from cv screening, followed by a psychotest, then LGD or FGD, interview, and medical check up. Now that the recruitment process is done online, the once complex and long process is shorter and cheaper to go through. 

Because CV is the first step in the recruitment process, CV can be seen as the gateway towards a company. CVs need to be as efficient as possible. However, one needs to remember that the screening process is always tied to the recruiter’s subjectivity. Therefore, several points to highlight are our personal information, education, work history, and skills that we have. 

After the CV screening process, the next process is the interview. In this process, communication skill is the key to get through the next phase. There are several tips that can help us in this process such as taking our time to think before answering, answering concretely and straightforwardly, and finally, saying thank you after answering the question. Searching for a job will be something that everyone needs to get through, therefore learning these tips will help us in getting the result that we want.