Yogyakarta, July 7th 2023─Election Corner (EC) Fisipol UGM held a public dialogue entitled Future Leader Forum with the title “Woman Political Leadership: To Unite What Male Politicians Have Divided”. The forum was held on Friday (07/7) in the Mandiri Auditorium Room on the 4th Floor of FISIPOL UGM, presented speaker Yenny Wahid with two speakers from the lecturers of the Department of Sociology, Deshinta Dwi Asriani, and Head of Student Council of FISIPOL UGM, Maskana Putri Salwa. The discussion was moderated by PARES Manager, Obed Kresna.
In his remarks, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi explained that FISIPOL through Election Corner initiated a program that seeks to fill the journey toward the 2024 election with substantive discussions and present figures and leaders from various backgrounds to provide perspective, color, and education to the public regarding substances in elections that are not only procedural.
“Elections are not only about popularity battles but also about ideas, programs, and what is better for society,” he explained.
The theme that was raised at this forum discussed gender equality in political practice in Indonesia through women’s leadership. Deshinta highlighted gender identity that often occurs and compartmentalizes women in discrimination. “There is gender as a differentiator in various practices, so what needs to be done is to get out of the paradigm or culture and structure that attaches gender as a differentiator,” explained Deshinta.
Women’s leadership is considered important to be empowered. Seeing the reality conveyed by Deshinta that women play a significant role in improving the post-pandemic economy. The same thing was agreed by Yenny that if women were given access to higher education, it would have an impact on increasing the country’s GDP by up to 4%. In addition, women contribute as consumers (buyers) and producers by playing a role in the MSME sector as a support for the country’s economy.
Yenny added that the role of women in politics is important. “Because those who will fight for important women’s issues are women themselves, the gentlemen do not understand,” she explained. Yenny relates this to the nature of women who need facilities for maternity leave, menstruation, breastfeeding, and safe spaces for women in public spaces.
Furthermore, Yenny explained that the ideal society that must be realized. According to him, there are four important points that must be realized in order to realize this ideal society. First, through peace with mutual respect and tolerance; sustainable or sustainable by protecting the environment as a mandate for the next generation; compassionate by creating mental stability; as well as educated with adequate allocation of research funds.