Abstract Deadline Extension International Conference: Social Development in Asia

Waktu : Selasa, 14 November 2017

Abstract Deadline Extension

International Conference: Social Development in Asia
September 8th 2017

We’d like to say thank you for all of you who are interested in being a part of our international conference.  For the reason that we’ve received such a big enthuasiasm, we decided to extend our abstract deadline to September 8th 2017.  The announcement of the abstract acceptance will be on September 15th 2017.

We are looking forward to your abstract submissions, and we shall see you in Yogyakarta in November! More information regarding the conference can be obtained from our website at http://pembangunansosial.fisipol.ugm.ac.id/

If you have any inquries  you can contact 0822 7994 4400 or jpsdk.fisipol@ugm.ac.id





Kontak: 0822 7994 4400

Waktu: 2017-11-14 17:00:00 – 2017-11-15 17:00:00

