Waktu | : | Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016 |

Department of Public Policy and Management FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) are delighted to present to you:
“IAPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2016, Towards a Global and Digital Society, Exploring The Role of Public Administration: Theory and Practice”
In this conference Participants will be able to observe closely and participate in rigorous discussions on the real and actual role of public administration in today’s era where the rapid development of technology dominates many aspects of human and societies life.
We heartily invite students/researchers/practitioners to participate in this annual conference.
There are four sub-themes in this year’s conference:
1. Publicness and Citizenship in Public Administration,
2. Social Capital and Indigenous Public Administration,
3. Digital Society and e-Government, and
4. International and Collaborative Governance.
There will be eight speakers consist of scientists and public practitioners from around the world:
Keynote Speaker:
Eko Putro Sandjojo, BSEE, M.BA; Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of Republic of Indonesia.
Conference Speakers:
Prof. Jun Matsunami
(Kobe University)
International Collaborative Governance
Prof. Sukarno Tanggol
(Mindanao State University)
Village Development in Facing Global Challenges ind The Philippines
Prof. Stein Oluf Kristiansen
(Universitetet I Agder)
Social Capital and Indigenous Public Administraion
Dr. Astrid Tuminez
(Regional Director, Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs, Microsoft)
Digital Governance
Prof. Mark Evans
(University of Canberra)
Trust and Democracy in Australia
Dr. Soni Sumarsono, MDM
(Director-General for Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affairs, Republic of Indonesia)
Smart Villages in Indonesia: Achievement and Challanges
Dr. Anies Baswedan
(Universitas Paramadina)
Digital Education.
This event will be held in UNIVERSITY CLUB, UGM Yogyakarta, on OCTOBER 6 to 8, 2016.
The Participants Fees are as follows:
Foreign Participants: 150 USD
IAPA Members: Rp. 500.000,-
Indonesian Perticipants (non-IAPA): Rp. 750.000,-
Students (Indonesia): Rp. 200.000,-
Register at: http://bit.ly/IAPA2016
For more inquiries and Information, kindly contact our office and Contact Person at:
Departement of Public Policy and Management, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Jl. Socio Yusticia No. 2 Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281.
Contact Person: Mbak Ari (0815 7898 4554)
Website: http://Iapa.or.id
Email: Sekretariat@iapa.or.id
Lokasi: University Club UGM
Registrasi: REGISTRATION: bit.ly/IAPA2016
Kontak: 0815 7898 4554 (Mbak Ari)
Waktu: 2016-10-06 00:30:00 – 2016-10-08 10:30:00