Waktu | : | Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016 |

In addition to the conference, the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA), and Departement of Public Policy and Management FISIPOL UGM collaboratively arrange special Pre-Conference Programs, namely:
Fit for Purpose Writing: Getting Published
Seminar and Writing Coaching Clinic”
Writing skills are vital in academic success. This seminar and writing coaching clinic offer the participants opportunities to learn about the writing standards of international publications. By the end of the programs participants are expected to be able to write publications that fit the international standards.
The programs will be conveyed by Prof. Mark Evans
(Professor of Governance and Policy Analysis, from University of Canberra, Australia).
With the welcoming speech from Prof. Dr. Ocky Kana Rajasa, M.Sc.
(Director for Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia)
This event will be held on
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Seminar 11.00 AM – 12.00 PM
Coaching Clinic 01.00 PM – 04.40 PM
At Ruang Seminar MAP, FISIPOL UGM Unit II Sekip
Seminar Registration: http://bit.ly/IAPA2016Sem (Available for 100 seats)
Coaching Clinic Registration: http://bit.ly/IAPA2016Coa (Available for 50 seats)
For more information and inquiries kindly contact our Contact Person:
Mbak Ari (0815 7898 4554)
Email: Sekretariat@iapa.or.id
Website: http://Iapa.or.id

Lokasi: R. Seminar MAP, Fisipol UGM Unit II Sekip
Registrasi: Seminar: bit.ly/IAPA2016Sem Coaching Clinic: bit.ly/IAPA2016Coa Free and Limited Seat!
Kontak: 0815 7898 4554 (Mbak Ari)
Waktu: 2016-10-05 04:00:00 – 2016-10-05 09:40:00