Waktu | : | Senin, 18 September 2017 |
The 5th Annual Conference on Muslim World:
Democracy and the Muslim Society
Date: 18 – 19th September 2017,
Place: Auditorium Mandiri FISIPOL UGM BB Building 4th Floor
The conference will be divided into five paralel panels with specific topics:
Panel A: The Dark Side of Democracy
Panel B: Islam and Politics
Panel C: Muslims as Minorities
Panel E: Islam and Politics of Identity
Panel F: Democracy and Ideology
Panel G: Democratic Consolidation
In addition, there will be a Round Table: How to Pursue Graduate Studies in USA and UK.
The presenters come from various academic background around the world.
Join us in the discussion: ugm.id/confmuslimworld
The registration link would be closed on Sunday (17/9) at 6pm.
For further information:
Contact Person: 085247249939 (Ardhi)
Official Website: confmuslimworld.ugm.ac.id
Lokasi: Auditorium Mandiri FISIPOL UGM BB Building 4th Floor
Registrasi: ugm.id/confmuslimworld
Kontak: 085247249939 (Ardhi)
Waktu: 2017-09-18 01:00:00 – 2017-09-19 09:00:00
Informasi: http://confmuslimworld.ugm.ac.id/