The project, funded by The British Academy runs May 2021 to March 2022 and involves:
- A series of online sessions on grant writing; publication and career development
- Planning and preparation for writing journal papers;
- Online mentoring and support for individual participants with established researchers;
- Subject to international health guidelines, each participant attends a 2-day workshop in their home country (Bangkok or Yogyakarta) to enhance networks and capacity build
Do you meet the following criteria?
- Early Career Researcher within first five years of starting an academic career (PhD award or appointment to academic post) accounting for career breaks (e.g. maternity/paternity leave).
- Level of writing English that meets the submission criteria of partner journals. For information on author guidelines see Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development; Journal of Comparative and International Social Policy; Social Policy & Society
- Ambition to be published in academic journals or to submit a successful funding
Next Steps
If interested please submit:
- 1 page expression of interest (including reasons for applications and plan for publication and/or grant writing resulting from the workshop).
- Brief CV or career details (no more than 2 pages);
- 300-350 words outline of the article or a grant writing abstract you wish to write
Send these details to by 15th May 2021
We strongly encourage expressions of interest from women, disabled people, minorities and candidates that are geographically dispersed (i.e. outside Bangkok and Yogyakarta). Foreign South-East Asian nationals who are members of a University/Research Organisation in Indonesia and Thailand are also welcome to apply.