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Holding a Dean Hearing with the Students, The Faculty Makes Serious Efforts to Increase the Student Facilities and Services

Yogyakarta, 6th of June 2024─In order to maximize students’ interests, talents, and learning quality, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM always tries to improve the student facilities through the Dean Hearing. This routine hearing, which directly involves the students, is going to be held again on Thursday afternoon (6/6) at Fisipol’s Selasar Barat.The dialogues between the students and the faculty this time around consisted of four main topics, which includes the provision of matrix funds, access to borrow rooms and its permits, a storage building, and a secretariat room. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D., directly attends the hearing as the Dean of Fisipol with Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, SH, M.Hum. as Vice Dean of Finance, Asset, and Human Resources Affairs, Ika Wulandari Widyaningrum, M.B.A as Coordinator of Academics and Student Affairs, dan Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si. as Head of the Administration Office. read more

Facing a Maritime Threat, Indonesia and Australia Needs to Increase Cooperation

Yogyakarta, June 5th, 2024–Indonesia and Australia have a deep history in their diplomatic ties. To celebrate the diplomatic relationship that is 75 years strong, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science collaborates with the Australian Embassy by organizing the #AussieBanget University Roadshow. The series of activities starts with the discussion panel with the theme “Harbouring Cooperation: Building a Stronger Maritime Future”. The activity was hosted on Monday (5/6) at the Mandiri Auditorium Fisipol UGM. The discussion session was led by Yulida Nuraini Santoso, Managing Director of the ASEAN Studies Center at UGM. read more

Retno Marsudi: Indonesia Stands at the Forefront of Defending Palestine

Yogyakarta, 3 June 2024─It is an unimaginable and unacceptable human tragedy. This sentence was chosen by Retno Marsudi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, to describe the atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. Since October 2023, two million people have been displaced from their homes, and tens of thousands of people, including children, injured and killed. Retno conveyed this in a Public Lecture entitled “Indonesian Diplomacy for Palestine”, held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM on Monday (3/6) at the UGM Senate Hall. read more

PSdK FISIPOL UGM and PKBI DIY Discuss the Role of Women in Climate Justice Issues

Yogyakarta, May 30, 2024─Through Social Development Talks (SODET), the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Fisipol UGM, together with Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) DIY held a discussion entitled “Yogyakarta Mothers Are Concerned About Garbage?: Highlighting the Role of Women in Climate Justice Issues” on Thursday (30/5). This discussion provides an overview of the crucial role of women in addressing climate justice issues, especially in the context of waste management in Yogyakarta. read more

DIKOM UGM Collaborates with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to Map Perceptions of Sustainable Quality Tourism

Yogyakarta, May 30th 2024─Department of Communication Science (DIKOM) of Fisipol UGM collaborated with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) of the Republic of Indonesia in organizing a Focus Group Discussion themed Sustainable Quality Tourism. Held on Thursday (30/5) at BRIWork Fisipol UGM, the FGD aims to map the perception of tourism consumers and tourism industry players related to sustainable quality tourism. This is also a response to the rise of trends that prioritize sustainability aspects in the tourism sector and creative economy. Furthermore, the concept of sustainable tourism itself is one of the things that support the 8th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on Decent Work and Economic Growth. read more

CELIOS and POLGOV UGM Disseminate the Tragedy of Energy Sovereignty Recentralization

Yogyakarta, May 29th 2024─The discussion of the dominance of the Central Government that legitimizes the centralization of all aspects in the name of energy sovereignty and national interests was presented by POLGOV UGM and CELIOS in the dissemination of the book “Seizing Control of the Energy Transition: The Tragedy of Regional Autonomy in Energy Transition Policy”. The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner at the BA Building 4th Floor of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM and broadcast live through the Zoom Meeting and Youtube of DPP UGM and CELIOS on Wednesday, (29/05). “This book is written on the basis of anxiety and some CELIOS research over the past two years on the issue of energy transition and local government,” explained Muhammad Saleh, author of the book as well as CELIOS researcher. Bintang Hanggono (Lingkar Keadilan Ruang), Ardiman Kelihu (PolGov UGM Researcher), M. Addi Fauzani (Lecturer & Researcher on Regional Autonomy PSHK FH UII) were also present as speakers. read more

Vietnamese Foreign Student Vu Minh Anh Graduates from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM with FIAS Scholarship

Yogyakarta, May 27th 2024─Vu Minh Anh, a foreign student from Vietnam, has successfully graduated as a bachelor of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM. Vu Minh is one of the first batch of students to receive the FISIPOL UGM ASEAN+1 Scholarship Programs (FIAS) scholarship in 2021. She admitted that she was happy to be able to study at Fisipol UGM until he received a cumlaude predicate.

“I first got the FIAS recommendation from my family. They had worked in Indonesia and thought UGM was one of the best in Indonesia,” said Vu Minh. According to her, the scholarship is very helpful, as it covers the full cost of education, monthly allowance, and cultural orientation. Although she was scared at first because of her choice to study abroad, she had an unforgettable experience while studying at FISIPOL UGM. read more

Revisiting EU and Asia Pacific Relations through the EUSAAP 2024 Conference with IIS UGM and KIKE

Yogyakarta, May 21st 2024─In order to maintain security stability and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region, the European Union continues to strengthen its cooperation framework with countries in the region. One example is the concrete action of the European Union initiated in 2021 through a map of cooperation in seven priority sectors of cooperation by the European Union, which includes aspects of welfare, green energy transition, maritime governance, digital governance and partnerships, connectivity, security and defense, and human security. In line with the direction of cooperation policy from the European Union, the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) in collaboration with a number of partners, including the Indonesian Community for European Studies (KIKE) and the Institute of International Studies Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), organized the EUSAAP 2024 Conference. This conference is expected to be a strategic forum for academics to exchange knowledge about innovations, conditions, and even observations related to the changing foreign policy landscape of the European Union and countries in the Asia Pacific region from an interdisciplinary perspective. read more

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM and State Administration Institute Emphasize the Importance of Future Skills

Yogyakarta, May 16th 2024─Dozens of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and the equivalent officials joined the training organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of UGM together with the State Administration Institute (LAN) of the Republic of Indonesia. The leadership training titled “Benchmarking PKN Policy Level I: Anticipatory Leadership Training Fisipol UGM” was held on May 15-16, 2024. Through this event, ASN received training materials on national challenges that will be faced in the future.National Leadership Training (PKN) Level I is determined by the State Administration Agency as a middle leadership structural training that is followed by high leadership officials or non-ASN employees who are equivalent to high leadership positions, and meet the requirements to participate in PKN Level I. This training aims to improve ASN competence in accordance with national policy issues that need to be resolved as state apparatus. FISIPOL UGM, as one of the educational institutions that contribute to the resolution of national problems, was appointed as the host of this training.

The Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., MPA, Ph.D. expressed his concern about the challenges facing Indonesia. “We are faced with extraordinary changes that we may never have imagined. We at the university are also trying to understand what the changes we are experiencing are about. Then what are the implications, not only for education, but also society,” he explained. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM specifically focuses this discourse into three things, namely climate change, digital transformation, and social inclusion. These three challenges are the main priorities in formulating national development strategies towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. read more

Uncovering AI and Employment Threats, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM Discusses Government Readiness in ASN Training

Yogyakarta, May 16th 2024─Technological development is something that cannot be avoided. Digital disruption or changes caused by digitalization has raised many national issues in Indonesia, especially in the field of employment. The urgency of handling digitalization was delivered by Widyawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., Lecturer of Electrical Engineering UGM and Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, S.H., M.Hum., Vice Dean for Finance, Assets and Human Resources of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM as well as Lecturer of Public Policy Management UGM in the National Leadership Training (PKN) Level I on Thursday (16/5). read more