Yogyakarta, November 13th 2023—Research Days 2023 is being held again by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. This year, the theme raised is closely related to the role of the academic world and science in the dynamics of society with the title “Committed to Science for a Better Society”. This event is open to all researchers and experts to contribute their thoughts as a form of contribution to current issues.
“For universities, research and dissemination are very important. Of course, the dissemination that we do is not only to show that we are active enough, but also to ensure our contribution to the various transformations that are taking place,” said the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., MPA, Ph.D. For the last two years, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has been committed to focusing on three main topics in its research, namely climate change, digital transformation, and the substance of democracy, which is society. These three are also the main topics in Research Day 2023 which will be held from 13-17 November 2023.