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Research Day 2023: Research Collaboration Shows Academics’ Commitment to Responding to Current Issues

Yogyakarta, November 13th 2023—Research Days 2023 is being held again by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. This year, the theme raised is closely related to the role of the academic world and science in the dynamics of society with the title “Committed to Science for a Better Society”. This event is open to all researchers and experts to contribute their thoughts as a form of contribution to current issues.

“For universities, research and dissemination are very important. Of course, the dissemination that we do is not only to show that we are active enough, but also to ensure our contribution to the various transformations that are taking place,” said the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., MPA, Ph.D. For the last two years, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has been committed to focusing on three main topics in its research, namely climate change, digital transformation, and the substance of democracy, which is society. These three are also the main topics in Research Day 2023 which will be held from 13-17 November 2023. read more

FISIPOL UGM is currently ranked 4th in Porsenigama 2023 Standings

Yogyakarta, November 6th 2023─Represented by the Dean, FISIPOL UGM held an appreciation agenda for students participating in Porsenigama 2023 this afternoon (6/11). There were 243 sports athletes and 32 arts participants who participated in this agenda.

FISIPOL UGM  sent 21 teams for 22 sports, and 10 teams for 13 arts branches. Currently, FISIPOL UGM are in 4th place in the standings with 5 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 6 bronze medals.

Porsenigama 2023 itself will continue until November 25th 2023. read more

Strengthening Understanding of Indo-Pacific in Global Order, Department of International Relations Holds Go South 2023 Annual Conference

Yogyakarta, November 6th 2023─Welcoming the 68th Dies Natalies of FISIPOL, the Department of International Relations held the Annual Convention on The Global South (Go South) on Monday (06/11) through the Zoom Meeting. The conference presented keynote speaker Dr. Radhika Desai (University of Manitoba), and speakers Dr. Nobuhiro Aizawa (Kyushu University), Prof. Dr. Poppy S. Winarti (Universitas Gadjah Mada), and Marc Saxer (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ing the Asia Pacific). The speakers’ presentation was hosted by Muhadi Sugiono and Luqman-Nul Hakim (Lecturer of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM). read more

Expanding International Cooperation, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM Joins the Global Humanities Alliance

Yogyakarta, November 2nd 2023─Fisipol UGM is committed to becoming one of the four international universities that have joined together to promote international cooperation, the Global Humanities Alliance. Together with the University of Melbourne, the University of Toronto, Ashoka University, and the University of Manchester, they have been holding discussions to prepare for the formation of the Global Humanities Alliance since 2021. The Global Humanities Alliance (GHA) is a collaboration that contributes to social-humanities disciplines to respond to various developments and dynamics occurring in the world. read more

CfDS and KORIKA Webinar Discusses the Potential and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Various Sectors

Yogyakarta, November 1st 2023─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of UGM together with the Indonesian Artificial Intelligence Research & Innovation Collaboration (KORIKA) held a webinar series Digital Experts Talk #19 entitled “AI 101: Potential and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Various Sectors” on Wednesday (01/11) via Live Streaming – CfDS UGM YouTube Channel. This webinar is one of CfDS’s responses to the development of Artificial Intelligence in various fields and presents speakers from the academic, government and practitioner sectors. The webinar was attended by Hario Bismo Kuntarto (Chair of the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Digital Economy and Games Governance Team), Brigitta Ratih E. Aryanti (Head of Government Affairs and Public Policy Google Cloud) and Afiahayati (Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science & Electronics Faculty of Mathematics and Science of UGM). read more

CfDS FISIPOL UGM Organizes Multisector Dialogue, Looking at ESG Potential and Implementation

Yogyakarta, October 31st 2023─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) FISIPOL UGM held an ESG dialogue session on Tuesday (31/10) at Ashley Hotel Tanah Abang, Jakarta. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a key approach that needs to be considered in the operation of the company. All fields of industry cannot escape the responsibility of reviewing environmental and social aspects. Many industries have begun to adopt ESG to address increasingly complex social and environmental issues, in order to improve business sustainability related to its relationship with society, commitment to protecting the environment, and actualization of accountability and transparency in practice. read more

FISIPOL UGM Receives Visit from Universitas Andalas​

Yogyakarta, October 30th 2023─Universitas Andalas visited FISIPOL UGM this morning (30/10), which was welcomed directly by the dean. This visit is carried out in the context of improving the quality and development of HR, Technology, Information, Financial Planning, Cooperation, and Alumni programs.

The topic discussed in the discussion session was “Optimizing Public Services to Increase Achievement of Key Faculty Performance Indicators”.

PSdK Student Team Wins 2nd Place in Ekraf Got Talent Business Plan Competition 2023

Yogyakarta, October 29th 2023─The student team from the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Fisipol UGM succeeded in winning second place at the national level in the Ekraf Got Talent Business Plan Competition “Adapting to a Revolutionized Digital Era” 2023 organized by the Kementerian Ekonomi Kreatif (Ministry of Creative Economy) BEM KM University Gadjah Mada. Nasyawa Nurshafala, Camilla Qivtia Anggun S.N, and Vanya Medyana Puspita won the championship with their M-Becak business idea which promotes the empowerment of pedal rickshaw drivers in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta. read more

Reflecting on the Position of Young People in the 2024 Election

Yogyakarta, October 28th 2023—Coinciding with Youth Pledge Day, the Diskusi Komunikasi Magister UGM (Diskoma) held a webinar entitled “Youth Political Participation and Communication Ahead of the 2024 Election”. Discussions regarding the 2024 Election cannot be separated from the existence of young people as the largest voter group as well as a group that is active in criticizing local and national political dynamics. This was confirmed by Dr. Rahayu, M.Si, M.A., Chair of the Communication Science Master’s Study Program in UGM. “Young people need to be highlighted [because] they determine the future direction of Indonesian politics,” said Rahayu in his speech on Saturday (28/10). read more

Inviting Ira Koesno, DPP held a public lecture

Yogyakarta, October 27th 2023─The Department of Politics and Government (DPP) FISIPOL UGM held a public lecture for the Political Communication Strategy course at BRI Works FISIPOL UGM on Friday (27/10). In this session, DPP UGM invited Ira Koesno, who is a well-known public relations and news anchor, to deliver material entitled “Leadership and Crisis Communication”.

In a crisis situation, communication strategies related to the choice of diction are very important to influence the perspective of the listener or reader. “For a news anchor, producer and research are very important bases for building communication to the public,” explained Ira. As a practitioner, Ira conveyed more comprehensively regarding strategies for building verbal and visual communication in a crisis situation. read more