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FISIPOL UGM Receives a Visit from the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands

Yogyakarta, May 19th 2023The Global Engagement Office of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (GEO FISIPOL UGM) received a visit from the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands on Friday (19/5) at the Auditorium Mandiri of FISIPOL UGM. A total of 30 delegates with various fields of expertise from the Ministry of Finance of the Netherlands attended the event, including Maikel Joosten, Treasury Policy Advisor, Recovery, and Resilience Plan Directorate Program and Nienke Landman, Policy Advisor on Social Benefit Expenditure. Meanwhile, representatives from FISIPOL UGM also attended the discussion panel, namely Wahyudi Kumorotomo, from the Department of Public Policy and Management; and Muhammad Sulhan, from the Department of Communication Studies. read more

PSdK UGM and Save The Children Indonesia Foundation Highlight Parenting in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, May 12th 2023─The high birth rate in Indonesia raises big questions about people’s upbringing. This problem arises because of an imbalance between the roles of fathers and mothers in child-rearing. Tata Sudrajat, Director of Evidence and Learning of the Save The Children Indonesia Foundation gave his response in the Social Development Talks webinar series on Friday (12/5). The event titled “Children’s Care in Indonesia” organized by the Department of Social Development and Welfare of UGM, emphasized how families in Indonesia meet the needs of children. read more

FISIPOL CORNER UGM Holds Discussion and Book Review of “Working Class and Capital in Indonesia: Preliminary Overview”

Yogyakarta, May 11th 2023─FISIPOL Corner UGM as a forum for discussion of social issues, managed by Public Policy Management undergraduate students and MAP UGM, successfully held a discussion and review of the book “Working Class and Capital in Indonesia: Preliminary Overview” on Thursday (11/05) on West Hall of FISIPOL UGM. The discussion presented four speakers, namely Andie Peci from the Secretary General of the KASBI Confederation, Muchtar Habibi as the book editor, and Amalinda Savirani Lecturer as the lecturer of the Department of Government and Politics, and student representative Bagas Damarjati. read more

Joint Study of Puskapol UI and Election Corner of Fisipol UGM: The Importance of Monitoring the Integrity of Organizers and Administration of the 2024 Election

Yogyakarta, May 11th 2023─In collaboration with Puskapol UI, the Election Corner of Fisipol UGM conducted a study to examine how two main issues, namely “postponement of elections” and “integrity of the election’s administrators” affect public trust in electoral democracy. This study was carried out through big data analysis research as well as analysis of discourse and actors through online media coverage and Twitter in the period from January 1st, 2022 to March 2nd, 2023. Apart from that, this joint collaboration also analyzed several electoral political events that are considered controversial, at least until mid-April 2023. read more

Dean of Fisipol UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi Became A Speaker in the Public Discussion of The Conversation Indonesia

Yogyakarta, May 11th 2023─Approaching the political events in the upcoming 2024 election, identity politics is still a worrying issue. This is because identity politics in the midst of the diversity of Indonesian society has great potential to break up its unity. Especially now that politics has penetrated digital activities which are prone to causing misinformation to corner certain groups. In this regard, The Conversation is holding a Public Discussion with the theme “Is identity politics still relevant in the 2024 election campaign on social media?” at the Islamic University of Indonesia on Thursday (11/5). read more

The Stakeholders of the MKP Forum Discussed the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia’s Communication Strategy for Responding to the Crisis

Yogyakarta, May 4th 2023The Department of Public Policy Management of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (DMKP Fisipol UGM) held a Stakeholder Forum entitled “Communication Strategy in Mitigating Internal Turmoil and Rebranding of the Post-Corruption Indication in the Ministry of Finance through New Media” on Thursday (4/5) via Zoom Meetings. In the first series of the forum, DMKP presented a number of speakers and speakers from the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance), namely Leni Nurlaeni, Head of the Communications Strategy Management of the KLI Bureau, Ministry of Finance; Nico Aditia, Head of Research and Audit Subdivision of the KLI Bureau, Ministry of Finance; and Fitria Kurniawati, the Acting Head of Electronic Publications Subdivision of the KLI Bureau, Ministry of Finance; and moderated by Wardatur Masykuroh, Master student of DMKP Fisipol UGM. read more

Prima Miftahul Jannati, a PSdK Student Got the National Third Place in Tilawah Quran RRI Week 2023

Yogyakarta, April 19th 2023─Prima Miftahul Jannati or more commonly known as Prima is UGM’s Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) student who managed to win the national third place in Tilawah Putri in the 53rd PTQ RRI (Tilawah Quran Week Indonesia Republic Radio) held at Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. PTQ RRI is a yearly championship held by  Indonesia Republic Radio which includes tilawah, tahfizh, tausiyah, and tartil.

Prima is one of two UGM representatives chosen by MTQ electives and Ditmawa UGM to join the competition. Prima said that in order to join the national PTQ RRI, the participant has to be the winner in the regional sector first. read more

A Whirlwind of Issues in Social Media: Analyzing the Challenges and Role of Young Voters in The Upcoming 2024 Election

Yogyakarta, April 12th 2023—The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) Fisipol UGM collaborated with IDN times in Digitalk X GenZ in holding the GenZ Votes on Wednesday (12/4). The event was held online, with the theme of “The Effect of Social Media Towards Gen Z’s Choice in the 2024 Election”. The theme was chosen based on the fact that youths are now going to participate in Indonesia’s 2024 election, in the middle of hoax, disinformation, and misinformation. In response to that, it is important for policymakers to mitigate the risk, especially in social media.  read more

SOREC Fisipol UGM Collaborates with Various Sectors to Encourage Mental Revolution

Yogyakarta, March 31st 2023 – The Social Research Center (SOREC) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada, collaborated with the Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager (Pengelola Nama Domain Indonesia /PANDI) in holding a CyberTalk event entitled “Mutual Cooperation in Science for Mental Revolution in the Cyber Era”. The event which was held on Friday (31/3) at the Auditorium Mandiri of FISIPOL UGM also collaborated with the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) and read more

The President’s Political Communication Strategy Becomes the Topic of DPP Fisipol UGM Lecture

Yogyakarta, 24 March 2023─Department of Politics and Government (DPP) UGM held a lecture on Alumni and Practitioners on Friday (24/3) at Big Data Laboratory Room (BA 401), Fisipol UGM. This lecture is a combination of the DPP undergraduate courses, Political Communication Strategy and Elections.

This lecture invited one of the DPP lecturers, AAGN Ari Dwipayana, who is currently a Special Staff Coordinator for the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Taking the topic “Leaked Info Ring 1: President Jokowi’s Political Communication Strategy”, Ari conveyed the political communication strategy implemented by the president. According to him, before determining a communication strategy, the most important thing is to understand the communication objectives to be achieved. read more