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Celebrating Dies Natalis FISIPOL UGM with the Alumnis through the Virtual Alumni Meet and Greet

Yogyakarta, October 23rd 2021Dies Natalis FISIPOL UGM is not just an exclusive celebration for the academic community. More than that, FISIPOL UGM also invited cross batch alumni to celebrate Dies Natalis virtually in the FISIPOL Alumni Meet and Greet held on Saturday (23/10). With the theme of “Creating Meaning Throughout the Time”, this FISIPOL event was hosted by Deby and Faren who took the alumni on a nostalgic road in the virtual gathering. 

Before having fun together, Deby and Faren allowed Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., and Setya Utama gave their welcoming remarks. Wawan as the Dean of FISIPOL UGM talked about the progress that FISIPOL UGM have had throughout time, both in the department and faculty area. Meanwhile, Setya as the Head of KAFISPOLGAMA saw this virtual gathering as a ‘warm up’ for the alumni, because KAFISPOLGAMA is actually in the middle of planning an event. read more

Understanding Big Data Visualization in Social Science Research

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2021─DEMA FISIPOL UGM held a Research Class X Big Data on Big Data Visualization through Zoom Meeting on Friday (22/10). The speakers in this event were Wegik Prasetyo and Vendi A. Nugroho as Polgov Big Data researchers. The event started at 07.00 p.m. and was attended by a number of students and the general public.

Starting the discussion, Wegik explained about the big data research flow, namely the discovery of problem statements, followed by a research question containing key research questions, data resource selection, crawling, processing, and visualization. In presenting data, visualization is very important as a data representation to make it easier for readers to understand the data. Several kinds of data visualization are text visualization, table visualization, and graphic visualization consisting of point, line, and bar elements. Vendi explained, plain text is used to explain 1 or 2 numbers, while tables and graphs are suitable to explain many numbers. read more

Treading the Long Journey of the PKS Bill with FISIPOL Crisis Center and KAPSTRA

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2021─The FISIPOL Crisis Center or FCC regularly holds webinar series in order to carry out its educational and socialization function as a sexual harassment prevention unit among the academic community of FISIPOL UGM. In the fifth webinar series which was held on Friday (22/10), the FCC in collaboration with the Family for Social Development and Welfare or KAPSTRA FISIPOL UGM, raised the title “The PKS Bill, Your History Now: The Polemic of State Commitment in Handling Sexual Violence Cases in Indonesia” to see the long journey of the PKS Bill as a legal instrument in favor of survivors of sexual violence cases in Indonesia. read more

Interactive Talk “Literacy and Fallacy in Digital Content”

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2021─The Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, together with the Network of Digital Literacy Activists and Mojok, also enlivened one of the series of activities held by PT KANISIUS on Friday (22/10), approaching a century of its contribution to work in the realm of Indonesian publishing and printing. The activity in the form of an interactive talk with the title “Literacy and Fallacy in Digital Content” presents three resource persons who have long been involved in the media field, including digital media, to provide non-technical skills in designing valuable and meaningful content for content creators. read more

Consumerism, True Prosperity and Sustainable Lifestyle with SOREC and KBM

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2021─The Department of Sociology of FISIPOL UGM through the Social Research Center or SOREC in collaboration with the Postgraduate School of Cultural and Media Studies Program (KBM) held a book discussion on Friday (22/10). In accordance with the title, namely “The Road to Utopia: Juliet B. Schor on Consumerism, True Prosperity, and Sustainable Lifestyles”, Prof. Dr. Heru Nugroho━Professor at the Department of Sociology, FISIPOL UGM with an interest in the study of Critical Theory, Economic Sociology, and Social Criticism of Technology━discussed an article in the book “Across Borders” published by (KBM) regarding Juliet B. Schor’s views on consumerism, true prosperity, and sustainable lifestyles. read more

CfDS Talkshow Discusses Personal Data Protection Bill with DPR, OJK, Facebook, and Public Policy Researchers

Yogyakarta, October 21st 2021─The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) held a Digital Expert Talks #4 talkshow with Facebook Indonesia entitled “PDP Bill and Indonesia’s Digital Economy”. This event discussed the Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) from the side of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), the benefits to be achieved from the ratification of the bill, as well as views from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the technology industry, and academics. Member of Commission I of the DPR RI, Muhammad Farhan, said that in November, the DPR RI must decide whether the PDP Bill will pass into law or not. According to Farhan, there are a number of challenges in the process of ratifying the PDP Bill. General issues that are being debated in the DPR RI include the definition of personal data and personal data protection, as well as the establishment of a personal data protection authority. “This bill places stakeholders as part of those who have a very big responsibility to protect the interests of consumers or personal data of Indonesian citizens,” said Farhan. read more

Policy Brief Training Workshop

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2021─The Department of Public Policy Management (DMKP) Fisipol UGM held a policy brief training workshop with the title of “Mainstreaming policy brief as a policy-advocacy instrument in developing a culture of research-based social movement”. The event was divided into two sessions in which the first session was filled by Prof Yeremias T Keban with material about the history of policy advocacy and policy brief, policy advocacy theories and important positions of policy brief in policy advocacy, as well as the theory of policy brief creation. Next, the second session was filled by Aldino Niki Mancer, S.I.P as the representative of State Administration Bureau who gave a talk about mainstreaming policy brief and how to use it in policy advocacy in the perspective of bureaucracy and government, as well as the role of policy analyst in policy brief construction as well as advocation. On this occasion, the event was started with a welcoming remark by the Head of the Doctorate Department of MKP Fisipol UGM. The Head of the Doctorate program said that the event started off from a simple idea. This event is a way to give back to the community and was designed to resemble a practical-technocratic training on how to create a policy brief.  read more

Academia Politica for Young Generation

Yogyakarta, October 16th 2021─The Student Corps of Governmental Politics (KOMAP) Fisipol UGM collaborated with Politically Aware Generation to hold a workshop of policy making simulation and career sharing session with reputable public policy experts. There were three mentors in the event which were Yoel Yosaphat as a staff at Bandung’s Regional House of Representative, Rian Ernest as PSI politician, Trias Fetra as the palm oil governance program officer from Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, and finally Dr. Nanang Indra Kurniawan as a lecturer in DPP Fisipol UGM. The theme of the workshop was the issue of sustainable palm oil in Indonesia. The event that was attended by 60 participants was moderated by Dedek Prayudi  as the Executive Director of the Center for Youth and Population Center. Generally, the discussion was about the challenges and opportunities of sustainable palm oil implementation in Indonesia.  read more

Precariousness of Vulnerable Workers and Reform of Social Protection Schemes during a Pandemic

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2021─The Social Research Center (SOREC) of FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with the Department of Sociology held an online discussion with the title “Precarization of Vulnerable Workers and Reform of Social Protection Schemes in a Pandemic Period” on (15/10). On this occasion, there were three discussion speakers, namely Indrasari Tjandraningsih, M.A., a lecturer of Parahyangan University, then Lajovi Pratama, a representative of SINDIKASI, and the last speaker A.B Widyanta M.A. as a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology UGM. This event was attended by 21 discussion participants and guided by moderator Rizqyansyah F, Assistant of SOREC FISIPOL UGM. In general, the discussion in this discussion explores the dynamics of vulnerable workers during the pandemic and how alternative solutions to various problems in the precarization or weakening system are. Starting the first session, the event was opened with remarks from the representative of the secretary of SOREC FISIPOL UGM, Gregorius Ragil. In his speech, Ragil expressed his gratitude for the presence of the presenters and participants in this knowledge sharing event. Furthermore, this event is expected to provide new insights that can be reflected and contributed to the community according to our role in everyday life. read more

Exploring Google’s Features in the “Young Professional Training and Development Program” from the DMKP of FISIPOL UGM

Yogyakarta, October 15th 2021─The Department of Public Policy Management (DMKP) of FISIPOL UGM again presented the Young Professional Training and Development Program (TDP) on Friday (15/10). In this second series of TDP, DMKP FISIPOL UGM presented Vidiskiu Fortino Kurniawan as Digital Intelligence Lab Associate at the Center for Digital Society or CfDS to present a material entitled “Google for Research: Looking Trends and Data Mobility”. According to the title, Vidi tries to review ways to maximize the potential of Google, especially Google Trends and Google Mobility, so that it can support research. read more