“The urgency now is that we are in a faster digital transformation because of the pandemic,” said Semuel A. Pangerapan, the Director General of Informatics Application in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Indonesia. Unfortunately, a couple of surveys show that citizens of Indonesia’s digital literacy is still low. The government through Kominfo tries to increase citizens’ digital literacy so that they are prepared to face the digital transformation era.
Kominfo aims to get 50 million Indonesia’s citizens to have digital literacy by 2024. Since 2020, Kominfo aims to literate 12,5 million people every year through the movements of agents of change. Samuel explained that in order to educate certain groups, we need to use a cultural approach because not all society can be literate just by reading. According to him, the curriculum of digital literacy needs to always be developed. “We need to always remind people about digital literacy but also not be seen as too snobbish,” Samuel said.