Yogyakarta, August 30th 2021─The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) is back with Social Development Talks or SoDeT on Monday (30/8). In a SoDeT titled “Empowerment for Social Mission and Environment: The story of SNV in Empowering Farmers”, the PSdK Department invited the attendees to directly hear the story of SNV as an NGO who empowers farmer with Aang Ilahang as the Rubber Program Manager in SNV.
Aang started his story by giving a short introduction about SNV, both in the global or national case, and the inclusive economy concept that SNV is creating. The inclusive economy concept is implemented through the responsible sourcing from smallholder approach that can improve relations throughout the supply chain and include farmers more. Other than that, the inclusive economy concept is also used to detect unsustainable practices and deforestation in the supply chain.