Get to Know Several Principles in Infographics Making
The series of workshops on the second day, with topics related to Infographics Making, was guided directly by the facilitator who came from the Media Team of the Department of Politics and Government, Yohanes Paulus Mahadma Krisna. To the audiences, Yohanes was beginning his explanation with the principles which must be considered in making infographics. Among them was a creative font which complements the design, with an important note that the selected type of writing can be adjusted to your liking and the most important thing is that it is easy to read. In addition, there is also a scale proportionality which is said to be the marker when making an infographic, so that we need to make proportional adjustments to the size, shape, and image. The principle of balance and alignment in an infographic design is also a collection of elements consisting of color, size, and texture, which in this case also needs to be arranged in a layout so that the balance of these various elements can be achieved. In the last principle, there is a repetition which describes a repetition called a motive or pattern which can become a characteristic of the design that is being made.