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Australia-Indonesia in Conversation on 21-22 July, Managing COVID-19 and ‘Post’-Pandemic Challenges

Australia and Indonesia have long enjoyed a strong, stable bilateral relationship as close neighbours in the Asia-Pacific with many shared political, economic and social interests. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the considerable scope for engagement and debate between Australia and Indonesia on global and local issues of concern for both countries and for new opportunities for audiences in Indonesia to further engage with developments in Australia.

Therefore, we invite you to register for the conference Australia-Indonesia in Conversation on 21-22 July, Managing COVID-19 and ‘Post’-Pandemic Challenges, organised by Universitas Gadjah Mada in partnership with the University of Melbourne. read more

“Asa” Film Discussion Opens the 2021 Healthy Campus Week Event

Yogyakarta, July 12th 2021─The Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) UGM is back with Healthy Campus Week (HCW) 2021. This time, Fisipol Crisis Center collaborates with non-governmental organization Rifka Annisa to open the HCW with a discussion called “Threading Hope (ASA): Help for Sexual Violence Survivor”.

The talk about the right steps to handle a sexual violence case was opened  by a short film review created by Rifka Annisa. The 21 minute long movie was inspired by real life events with the goal that viewers can support the sexual violence survivor. Fisipol UGM Communication Studies lecturer, Irham Nur Anshari as one of the speaker in the discussion, said that the invitation to see sexual violence from the view of the victim is in line with FCC’s values. “One of the first value in the FCC guidebook is how we can use the victim’s perspective or how we handle the event with a victim-centered approach.” Irham said.  read more

Sharpening Potential in the Era of Disruption with Kafispolgama, Geti Incubator, and Export Hub

=&0=&=&1=&=&2=&─In an era of disruption that has given rise to a lot of innovation and progress, many new types of jobs are increasingly needed. That was stated by Setya Utama, the Head of Kafispolgama for the 2021-2025 period in the webinar entitled as Key Competencies to Build Self Credibility on Thursday (8/7). The event which was held by Fisipol UGM and Kafispolgama presented Amalia Prabowo as the President Director of Geti Incubator, along with Ghafran Cakra and Irene Marshella from PT Andalan Export Indonesia, and Aron Ng from PT Dagang Tangkas Indonesia. This event was held through a Zoom Meeting and was attended by Wawan Mas’udi, then Dean of Fisipol UGM.In his remarks, Wawan Mas’udi stated that online learning also encourages change and supports the edutech industry. According to Wawan, this forum can be a contribution to the Merdeka Learning of Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. “Students can begin to identify what skills and activities are needed, in order to gain scientific competence and be able to compete,” Wawan said.

The event, which was hosted by Ramadhanti Firmaningsih from Creative Hub of Fisipol UGM, started with the presentation of material by Amalia Prabowo. As someone who has been in the advertising world for many years, Amalia said that MBKM can support students in identifying areas of interest, so that when they graduate they are ready to enter the workforce. “Find out what skills can be honed, then fight for the value,” Amalia said.

Meanwhile, Ghafran Cakra as CEO of PT Andalan Export Indonesia delivered his material about Indonesia’s potential in the world trade arena. Ghafran explained his data and experience in export-import between Indonesia and other countries. According to Ghafran, Indonesian plantation products have great potential in international trade. read more

Talking About ASEAN Youth’s Role through ASEAN Talk: Paths to Youth Empowerment

Yogyakarta, 7 Juli 2021━Youths hold a great power in constructing the future of ASEAN. That is why the ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) Fisipol UGM chose to talk about the various roles of youths through ASEAN Talk: Paths to Youth Empowerment: Activism, Education, and Mobility on Wednesday (7/7). This event was held through Zoom Meeting and was live streamed through ASEANS Studies Center UGM Youtube Channel.

The first speaker in this event is Ili Nadiah Dzulfakar as the head of Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY). Nadiah said that the ASEAN society is so rich with diversity and that every state has their own problems. Each state also has their own way in responding to the pandemic. According to Nadiah, youth have a great role in the midst of this crisis.  read more

Questioning Freedom of Expression on the Internet: Comparison in Indonesia and the United States

Yogyakarta, July 2nd 2021─The Center for Digital Society or CfDS FISIPOL UGM held the DIFUSSION #54 program entitled “Questioning Freedom of Expression on the Internet: Comparison in Indonesia and the United States” on Friday (2/7). The speakers in this event were Fajar Cahyono (Research Associate of CfDS) and Alfredo (Research Intern of CfDS). The event took place via Youtube Live at 03.30 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. and was moderated by Aldo Rafi Presnauli Siregar (Partnership Associate of CfDS).

Freedom of expression is one of the basic principles of modern democracy where civil liberties deserve to be respected and considered as a prerequisite for individuals to develop themselves. Freedom of expression in the modern age has become something that is strongly fought for even today. The reason is, the problem of freedom of expression is a new problem where the moral standards for speaking and the existing legal order are different in each country. In Indonesia, we have the ITE Law (UU ITE) which regulates articles on freedom of expression on the internet. However, the law is considered to still contain several rubber articles that are used as the basis for arresting or criminalizing someone. read more

Chit-Chat about Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recruitment of 2021

=&0=&The Department of International Relations of UGM cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia organizing the “Chit-Chat about the Recruitment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 2021” on Friday (25/6). This event presented Winanto Adi (Head of the Human Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia) and Agus Hidayat (Young Diplomat of the Human Resources Bureau of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia) as speakers. The event takes place at 01.30 p.m. to 03.30 p.m. via Zoom Meeting.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of organizing government affairs in the foreign field to assist the president in administering the state government. This career is the dream of some people, especially graduates of International Relations. It is recorded that at least 115 alumni of International Relations of UGM are working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to date. One of the positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the core business division, which consists of diplomats, chandeliers, and diplomatic information institutions. read more

Social Media Data Analysis Guide for Beginners

=&0=&The Institute for Policy Development UGM held the “Beginner’s Guide for Social Media Data Analysis” event on Thursday (24/6). This event presented Idin Virgi Sabilah, Junior Researcher Institute for Policy Development, as a speaker. The event took place at 09.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. via Zoom Meeting.

The use of data on social media as the main source in social humanities research is currently starting to be widely used. Interactions in the digital world leave a lot of traces in the form of data where the data can be practically analyzed for research purposes. In general, the stages of data analysis on social media consist of capture, understanding, and presenting. First, data is collected from various sources while we extract information related to the data. Then, carry out further analysis of the available data by sorting the data as expected. After the data is analyzed, the last step is to present the findings. read more

Seeing the Potential and Controversy of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia from Various Perspectives in the Pre-Event of FISCO GEO 2021

Yogyakarta, June 18th 2021━In order to welcome the 2021 FISIPOL International Short Course, the Global Engagement Office or GEO FISIPOL UGM held a pre-event in the form of a webinar on Friday (18/6). In collaboration with BRIWork of FISIPOL UGM, this webinar brought a topic that is still in line with the main theme of FISCO GEO 2021─The Dynamics of New and Renewable Energy in the Global South, namely “Nuclear Energy in Indonesia: Potential and Controversy”. Presenting three speakers with different backgrounds, this webinar seeks to present a transdisciplinary point of view in understanding the uses of nuclear energy. read more

Pursuing Career: Which One’s More Important, Passion or A Big Salary?

=&0=&Career Development Center (CDC) of FISIPOL UGM held a webinar entitled as ‘Pursuing Career: Passion vs Money’ on Thursday (17/6). The speaker of this event was Stephanie W., the Co-Founder and Program Director of Vooya. The event was held on Zoom and lasted from 01.00 p.m. to 02.00 p.m. and was moderated by Fira from CDC.

We are always faced with the choice of a large salary or prioritizing passion when choosing a job. The reason is, it’s not uncommon for us to find professions that match our passion but don’t make much money, and vice versa. When we prioritize passion, emotionally we will be more enthusiastic to work and be involved in all tasks at work. However, materially we will be short of money to meet the needs of life because the salary is not too big. Meanwhile, if we pursue a profession that makes a lot of money but does not match our passion, materially we will live well and have good career prospects. However, emotionally we are not enthusiastic about work and always feel unhappy at work. read more

Socialization of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program in FISIPOL UGM

Yogyakarta, June 16th 2021━To welcome the MBKM program, Fisipol UGM held a MBKM Socialization on Monday and Wednesday, 14th and 16th June 2021 through a Zoom meeting. The socialization was meant for active students of FISIPOL UGM who want to be a part of the MBKM program so that they know the program comprehensively. There are 8 arenas of the MBKM that were covered in the socialization; Student Exchange, Independent Study, Humanity Project, Community Empowerment Project, Intern, Research, Social Entrepreneurship, and Teaching Project.  read more