Yogyakarta, 12 April 2021 –Committee III of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives cooperated with The Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM in conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a part of the empirical research on the creation of the draft of the social welfare law. The draft is meant to change Law no.11 2009 on Social Welfare. The event that happened in the FISIPOL UGM East Seminar Room was attended by a few individuals; Suzzana Eddyono, as a lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM; Tukino, Expert on Law Drafts as well as a lecturer in Social Welfare Polytechnic Bandung; Eko Suhargono, as the Head of the Social Department in Sleman; as well as Nurhadi, The Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM. The FGD was also attended by several representatives of academic institutions as well as civil society, such as Rifka Annisa, Sanggar Anak Alam, Yakkum, UIN, UNU, IRE, Lazismu, Samin, PKBI, etc. Tukino said that Committee III of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives as a part of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives that have to do directly with social welfare, in 2021 initiated the creation of the Law Draft that will Replace Law No 11 2009 on Social Welfare. The event is meant to identify and analyze social welfare problems nationally or regionally through engaging in dialogues, searching for information and ideas to support the draft, as well as finding out social welfare programs done by the regional government and its effectiveness.
Tukino said that the need to change Law no.11 2009 is meant to underline the fact that protection is a part of the basic rights of citizens, keeping in mind that social welfare is a part of the national development program. He also explained that there is a mindset shift of the social welfare program from “centrist” to “participatory”. “Until now, the social welfare program is seen as a generosity from the government, when really it should be a part of the citizen’s basic rights,” he said. Other than that, in the aspect of implementation, the social welfare protection program is seen as not fully comprehensive and adaptive, so there are still several problems about the impact of the program that have not significantly solved poverty. read more