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Dikom of UGM Practitioner Lecture: Exploring the Dynamics of Literary Journalism at Tempo

Yogyakarta, June 3rd 2021━Department of Communication Science (Dikom) of UGM held a practitioner lecture of the Literary Journalism course titled as Telling Stories in the Digital Age: Peeking from the Perspective of Literary Journalism (03/06). This practitioner lecture invited Qaris Tajudin, the Director of Tempo Institute, as the speaker and was attended by the students who specialize in Journalism.

Tempo is a media pioneer in the practice of literary journalism in Indonesia. At the beginning in 1971, the workers at Tempo were generally artists or writers. Tempo is also only produced weekly, so they accentuate the entertainment aspect of the news and put the speed aside. Literary journalism also becomes a solution to criticize the government which we can’t do directly. read more

Social Development Talks: A Peek to Indonesia’s Social Security Program

Yogyakarta, May 31st 2021━The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) FISIPOL UGM held another SoDeT (Social Development Talks) webinar on Monday (31/5) morning. On this occasion, the topic is “A Peek to Indonesia’s Social Security Program” with Muttaqien MPH., AAK., as the Vice Head in the National Social Security Council General Policy Commission. The event was held through a Zoom meeting on 10.00-12.00 WIB and was moderated by Kafa Abdallah Kafaa, S.Sos., M.A., a lecturer in PSdK FISIPOL UGM.  read more

To Anticipate A Rising Covid-19 Case after The Eid Holiday, Fisipol UGM Held a Mass GeNose C19 Test

Yogyakarta, May 17th 2021━The Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) UGM through the Wellness Center (WLC) facility held a mass GeNose C19 test for all Fisipol UGM education staff on the first day after the Eid holiday. The Covid-19 screening that is done simply through exhaling will be held for two days which spans from 17th to 18th May 2021 in the West Wing of Fisipol UGM.

The Head of Finance Administration of Fisipol UGM, Uling Sumbogo, said that the GeNose C19 test is aimed to detect and prevent the Covid-19 spread among 110 Fisipol UGM Education staff. In one day, around 50 people will be tested through three sessions from 08.00 a.m. to 13.00 pm. “The schedule for this test is adjusted with people who are currently working from their office, but there are some who need to adjust because this test will only be held for two days,” said Uling. read more

UGM Communication Studies Students’ Achievement in the Padjadjaran University Epicentrum Competition

Yogyakarta, May 12th 2021━Two teams of students from the Communication Studies Department of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) had an achievement in the Epicentrum Competition held by Padjajaran University (06/05). The Restu Ibu team from batch 2019 won the first prize in the Media in Action (Mediation) competition, meanwhile the Manjjap team from the 2018 batch held the second prize in the Jurnalistic Parade competition. 

Epicentrum is an annual competition for Communication Studies students held by the Faculty of Communication of Padjajaran University. The Mediation competition held by the Media Production Management major this year chose the theme of digital media acceleration in the startup track. The competitors are challenged to create a video content, poster, and ads audio from a startup with the aim to help develop a startup business during the pandemic.  read more

PolGov UGM Partnered with KU Leuven in Releasing a Big Data Analysis About The Controversial Ban of Valentine’s Day Celebration in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, May 10th 2021━On Monday (10/05/21), PolGov released a research about the controversy of The Valentine’s Day ban in Indonesia by partnering with KU Leuven in Belgium as the research partner. The partnership between PolGov and KU Leuven is centered on issues of toleration and this year is their last year of partnership. The release of the Big Data analysis is started with an exposition of the research results from PolGov researcher, Anggalih Bayu Muh Kamin, and Dian Nuri Ningtyas as the Project Manager of the Partnership between PolGov and Ku Leuven.  read more

Questioning Women, the Environment, and Ecofeminism in Sorec’s Monthly Discussion

Yogyakarta, May 7th 2021━Still with the spirit of Kartini Day and Earth Day that was celebrated last April, Social Research Center or Sorec of the Department of Sociology of UGM came back with another monthly discussion to celebrate those two momentums on Friday (7/5). Entitled Ecofeminists in Indonesia: Protecting, Caring, and Fighting for the Future, this discussion presented two experts to address environmental and women’s issues from different perspectives; theoretical and practical perspectives.  read more

Strategy for Strengthening Organizational Capacity: Organizational Transformation through Capacity Development

=&0=&The Department of Politics and Government (DPP) of FISIPOL UGM held a Lecture Series of Strengthening Public Organizational Capacity entitled ‘Strategy for Strengthening Organizational Capacity: Organizational Transformation through Capacity Development’. This event is a series of online lecture series broadcast through the Youtube Channel of the DPP Fisipol UGM. On this occasion, the guest lecturer who was presented was Silmy Karim, who currently serves as the President Director of PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero). This event took place from 07.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and was attended by around 180 participants. In general, this lecture discussed how the efforts to strengthen the organizational capacity made by PT. Krakatau Steel to be able to survive the crisis conditions, and survive in the midst of quite rapid changes.

Starting his session, Silmy Karim gave a little intermezzo which at the same time spurred quite an inspirational spirit. In his speech, he revealed that it is important for us to have a principle that we must be able to become competitive people. This principle is also a belief that he holds, as an effort to be able and motivated by global competitiveness. As a CEO with tens of thousands of employees, Silmy explained that in a career it is very necessary to be concerned with the organization. It means the ability to choose the right person, the right system, the right coaching method, and efforts to strengthen the capacity of the right public organizations need to be considered in order to further become harmony which can directly change an organization. read more

Peace as the Beginning of Peace: “Whoever Leaves Violence…”

Yogyakarta, April 30th 2021━According to the data of Damai Pangkal Damai (DPD), there have been more than fourteen thousand nonviolent actions that have occurred in Indonesia since 1999. Based on this data, the DPD together with the Institute of International Studies (IIS) of FISIPOL UGM held a Webinar on Nonviolent Resistance in Indonesia entitled “Whoever leaves violence …” on the last Friday (30/4). The event featured representatives from several movements and organizations in Indonesia that rely on nonviolent resistance strategies. The speakers that presented in this event were Maria Catarina Sumarsih as the representative of Aksi Kamisan (Kamisan Action), Djuwita Djatikusumah from indigenous Sunda Wiwitan community, and Gendis Syari that represented Gejayan Memanggil. On this occasion, Dr. Diah Kusumaningrum as the lecturer of the Department of International Relations of FISIPOL UGM, presented as the moderator. read more

The Lecturer of the Faculty of Law UGM Mentioned Four Causes and Categories of Actors Which Involved in Tenurial Conflict

Yogyakarta, April 29th 2021Social Development Talks (Sodet) came back with another discussion on Thursday (29/4).  This discussion was called Land Conflict and Tenure Issues That Have Not Been Served. The speakers in this discussion were Rikardo Simarmata, SH., Ph.D., the lecturer of the Faculty of Law of UGM. This discussion was held on Zoom and was moderated by Vandy Yoga Swara, S.Sos., M.A., the lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL UGM.

Rikardo began the discussion by explaining that the social problems that arose from land tenure issues cannot be separated from policies and regulations. “Social and economic problems cannot be separated from the policies and regulations that cover them, especially if we place them as causes,” Rikardo added. He also added that policies and regulations regarding land tenure in some cases have triggered conflicts or disputes regarding land tenure. read more

Looking for Alternatives in Assessing Conflict in the Cup of Tea Discussion #3 of IIS of the IR UGM

Yogyakarta, April 29th 2021The online Cup of Tea Discussion on Zoom Meeting came back with the third edition of discussion on Thursday (29/4). The Cup of Tea discussion of Talking and Thinking about International Relations was held by the Institute of International Studies of FISIPOL UGM. This discussion presented Suci Lestari Yuana, the lecturer of International Relations of UGM as the speaker. The Cup of Tea #3: Critical Moment and Dramaturgy Analysis as the Alternatives in Assessing the Social and Political Conflicts tried to discuss more deeply about the article that has been written by Nana. In her article entitled ‘A Dramaturgy of Critical Moments in Transition: Understanding the Dynamics of Conflict in Socio-Political Change’, Nana and her team examine the complexity and multidimensional nature of conflicts related to transformative change using the concepts of critical moments and dramaturgy. read more